Hello, you want to try Clever Cloud? This is the perfect starting point to do so.
Editing code? Open the file index.js
, we have commented a REST call. You just need to uncomment it. It will be automatically called at the end of the application deployment. This call will get you in our user base and register you for our ongoing draw. Don't forget to modify the JSON object sent by the API call. It will help us to contact you.
And then, what's next? Two choices:
Start with the documentation here: https://www.clever-cloud.com/doc/clever-tools/getting_started/.
Install clever-tools
with npm:
npm install -g clever-tools
Or with yarn:
yarn global add clever-tools
Once clever-tools
is installed, change directory to the Git repository and:
clever login
clever create --type node myApp
clever deploy
clever open
You have just deployed this application to production, congrats 👏 ! And don't forget to modify the file index.js
. If you are having trouble do not forget to import your SSH Keys in https://console.clever-cloud.com/users/me/ssh-keys
Follow the documentation here https://www.clever-cloud.com/doc/nodejs/nodejs/. And don't forget to modify the file index.js
Click on Fork
Select the GitHub account where you want to fork it.
Click on the index.js file.
Click on Edit and go to the commented area line 22. Uncomment.
Replace with your name, firstname and email address. "id" is specified above. Don't change it. It will be automatically replaced with the environment variable of the app you will deploy on Clever Cloud.
Commit your changes.
Go to clever-cloud.com and click on the blue button in the middle "Sign up & try" with the GitHub icon.
The form should be prefilled with your GitHub credentials. Tick the Terms & Conditions checkbox. Click on "Create my account".
Click on "personal space".
Click on "add an application".
Select "onboarder" within the list. (Except if you changed the name of the app when your forked it.)
Click on "Node.js".
Click on "next".
Click on "create".
Click on "I don't need any add-on".
Click on "next".
The application is deploying. Wait.
Deployment logs start being shown.
Your application is running.
You can check your production URL. You have registered yourself for the draw of the contest. That's it. You know now how to deploy a github project on Clever Cloud.
Have fun with other stacks, projects and integrations...