Run tests
The tests are currently passing for all browsers.
The following methods will be called if implemented, if they are not implemented or the console does not exist a "noop" will be called. It also deals with cross browser inconsistencies for console.profile. counsell.time is implemented to work in IE.
- debug
- error
- info
- log
- warn
- dir
- dirxml
- table
- trace
- assert
- count
- markTimeline
- profile
- profileEnd
- time
- timeEnd
- timeStamp
- group
- groupCollapsed
- groupEnd
- clear
The counsell object will be added to the global in browser environments
That code can run on all environments including node (console.profile does not exist in node) and works with browserify.
If you don't like using counsell as a global just set console to the global counsell.
console = counsell;
//In IE
console.time('a') ...
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