The cloud resources for the reference-quarkus-mvn application when using Tekton and the Minimal workflow.
Since Tekton is a purly Kubernetes based workflow runner service its entire configuration can be installed with Helm.
helm dependency update charts/reference-quarkus-mvn-workflow
helm secrets upgrade --install \
reference-quarkus-mvn-workflow-min ./charts/reference-quarkus-mvn-workflow \
-f charts/reference-quarkus-mvn-workflow/values.yaml \
-f charts/reference-quarkus-mvn-workflow/secrets.yaml \
--namespace ${WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE} \
- Configure your Source Control Service repository hosting your application to send Webhook events
to the EventListener Route:
- HTTP method: POST
- POST Content Type: application/json
- Trigger On:
- Repository Events
- Push
- Issue Events
- Pull Request
- Pull Request Synchronized
- Repository Events
- Branch filter