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My backup scripts and documentation

General priciples

  • Use 3-2-1 scheme - at least 3 copys of the data, on 2 media and 1 copy offsite
  • Use efficient snapshots - each day backup whats changed
  • Keep weekly, monthly and yearly backups
  • Use home assistant for status and alerts
  • Use cross-platform / open source tools

I mostly use restic with a few additional tools as needed.


Backup scripts

Each machine I backup has a backup script which uses common functions. Usually these are started by cron. For example, on server arm2 I have the crontab -

00 01 * * * /home/plord/src/backups/ >/home/plord/src/backups/backup_arm2.log 2>&1

The script typically includes -

  • Use restic to backup to local repository
  • Report status to home assistant via MQTT
  • Report any errors to home assistant via MQTT

Local repository

The server arm4 hosts the local repository on a 4TB SSD drive. A rest server is running to allow remote access.

Offsite repository

The server arm5 is located offsite and hosts the remote repository on a 4TB SSD drive. The script syncronises the two repositories.

Periodic repository pruning

The script can be used to periodically remove outdated data to avoid running out of disk space.

Home assistant

The local home assistant instance displays the status of both repositories -

home assistant

The following home assistant rules are of interest -

Report failures

If a failure message is receieved, call the info script (which logs and alerts via signal) -

alias: Restic failure
description: ""
  - trigger: mqtt
    topic: homeassistant/sensor/restic/#
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ trigger.payload is match(\"Failure\") }}"
  - action:
    metadata: {}
      message: Restic {{ trigger.payload }}.  Topic:{{ trigger.topic }}
mode: single

Check for old backups

If a backup just isn't happing, we don't get a failure yet the time since the last backup increases. So this script looks for this case -

alias: Test for old backlups
description: If backup is older than 5 days, send an alert
  - repeat:
      for_each: >-
        {{ states | selectattr('entity_id', 'match', 'sensor.restic_*') |
        selectattr('attributes.program_version', 'match', 'restic*') |
        map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}
        - if:
            - condition: template
              value_template: >-
                {{ as_timestamp(now())-as_timestamp(state_attr(repeat.item,
                "time")) > 86400*5 }}
            - action:
                message: >-
                  Backup "{{ state_attr(repeat.item, "friendly_name") }}" is too
                  old ({{state_attr(repeat.item, "time")}})
  - repeat:
      for_each: >-
        {{ states | selectattr('entity_id', 'match', 'sensor.remote_restic_*') |
        selectattr('attributes.program_version', 'match', 'restic*') |
        map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}
        - if:
            - condition: template
              value_template: >-
                {{ as_timestamp(now())-as_timestamp(state_attr(repeat.item,
                "time")) > 86400*5 }}
            - action:
                message: >-
                  Backup "{{ state_attr(repeat.item, "friendly_name") }}" is too
                  old ({{state_attr(repeat.item, "time")}})


Restoring of files can be done on the command line or via a GUI such as resric browser.


Some useful commands are shown below, but also refer to the restic docs.

Note that hosts and paths with spaces will have to be quoted.

List the latest snapshot of each backup

$ restic snapshots --latest 1
repository bd3a858e opened (version 2, compression level auto)
ID        Time                 Host                      Tags        Paths                                         Size
46b19d06  2024-10-10 17:46:08  arm3                      Wokingham   /var/AmazonCopy                               52.620 GiB

636a8b45  2024-11-08 03:39:08  arm3                      Wokingham   /var/google/plord1250-drive                   5.767 GiB

7a959e03  2024-12-06 00:00:02  plordmacbook              Wokingham   /Users/plord                                  347.906 GiB

60fa2c40  2024-12-06 00:00:02  arm5                      Plymouth    /home                                         30.526 MiB

List the snapshots of a specific backup

$ restic snapshots --host plordmacbook --path /Users/plord               
repository bd3a858e opened (version 2, compression level auto)
ID        Time                 Host          Tags        Paths         Size
a7d13468  2024-10-10 17:51:05  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  268.631 GiB
7d5464b6  2024-10-31 12:57:21  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  273.460 GiB
28a6fbea  2024-11-03 12:00:02  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  281.143 GiB
908df52a  2024-11-10 00:00:02  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  315.352 GiB
61c5a983  2024-11-17 00:00:02  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  301.680 GiB
384761a7  2024-11-22 00:00:01  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  326.791 GiB
f265c7a1  2024-11-23 01:05:25  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  327.701 GiB
e54ae25d  2024-11-25 07:35:01  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  329.443 GiB
31298c9d  2024-11-26 07:35:00  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  343.440 GiB
86f38b5d  2024-11-27 00:00:02  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  347.895 GiB
9a8af0c1  2024-11-28 07:35:01  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  329.724 GiB
eea15373  2024-11-29 07:35:01  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  329.593 GiB
55989d60  2024-11-30 07:35:02  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  331.843 GiB
c7a9150a  2024-12-01 08:01:14  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  334.443 GiB
fd098d0e  2024-12-02 16:49:03  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  334.999 GiB
733351ee  2024-12-03 00:00:01  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  336.131 GiB
9b61d859  2024-12-04 10:21:25  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  340.246 GiB
4111c125  2024-12-05 00:00:02  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  347.918 GiB
7a959e03  2024-12-06 00:00:02  plordmacbook  Wokingham   /Users/plord  347.906 GiB
19 snapshots

List the contents of a given snapshot

$ restic ls 7a959e03 
snapshot 7a959e03 of [/Users/plord] at 2024-12-06 00:00:02.450435 +0000 UTC by root@plordmacbook filtered by []:
/Users/plord/.anydesk/AnyDesk/outgoing iPhone (1807481502)-plord (821718307) 0.anydesk

Search for a file or directory

$ restic find
repository bd3a858e opened (version 2, compression level auto)
[0:03] 100.00%  83 / 83 index files loaded
Found matching entries in snapshot 8736a232 from 2024-12-04 10:43:26

Found matching entries in snapshot df0c33a7 from 2024-12-04 12:05:32

Found matching entries in snapshot e7861b52 from 2024-12-04 12:39:22

Found matching entries in snapshot bb9fa890 from 2024-12-04 15:32:30

Restore a file

$ restic restore 2d664274 --include "/storage/emulated/0/Download/Signal /signal-2024-12-02-00-57-54.backup" --target /tmp
repository bd3a858e opened (version 2, compression level auto)
[0:17] 100.00%  83 / 83 index files loaded
restoring snapshot 2d664274 of [/storage/emulated/0/Download/Signal ] at 2024-12-04 00:04:26.27960027 +0000 UTC by @Peter's Galaxy S20 FE 5G to /tmp
Summary: Restored 6 / 1 files/dirs (5.365 GiB / 5.365 GiB) in 5:04

$ find /tmp/storage/
/tmp/storage/emulated/0/Download/Signal /signal-2024-12-02-00-57-54.backup

See whats changed between snapshots

$ restic diff 4111c125 7a959e03 | more
comparing snapshot 4111c125 to 7a959e03:

-    /Users/plord/.Trash/.DS_Store
-    /Users/plord/.Trash/Google Keep- Free Note Taking App for Personal Use.webloc
M    /Users/plord/.local/share/signal-cli/data/522489
M    /Users/plord/.local/share/signal-cli/data/522489.d/account.db
M    /Users/plord/.wake.status
M    /Users/plord/.zsh_history

Other tools used

The backup scripts also make use of -

  • rclone to copy files from cloud storage (Google Drive and Google Photos) prior to backing up with restic
  • offlineimap to download email from imap server prior to backing up with restic
  • mosquitto_pub to communicate with home assistant
  • Wireguard VPN for offsite connectivity

Testing the backups

The simple script tests the backups by attempting to restore a file from the latest snapshots.


My backup scripts and documentation







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