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The plugin posts high quality Articles. Amazon, Ebay, BestBuy, Walmart Products Youtube, Vimeo Videos as well as Images from Flicker and from others platforms based on your keywords.

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=== WP Content Pilot - Autoblogging & Affiliate Marketing Plugin ===
Contributors: pluginever,manikmist09
Tags: autoblog, rss aggregator, news aggregator, rss import, youtube feed, rss to post, rss feeds
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 6.7
Stable tag: 2.0.8
Requires PHP: 7.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Automatically post contents, create news feeds, import and display unlimited RSS feeds from various sources in a few clicks!

== Description ==

**[WP Content Pilot](** is the best autoblogging and content curation plugin. It helps you to create high-quality WordPress blog posts and inject your affiliate link automatically.

The plugin keeps posting articles on your site at a predefined interval using your chosen keywords and sources and maintaining your website fresh and updated. WP Content Pilot also inserts your affiliate links automatically, so you get your commission from the vendors.

= ✨ WP Content Pilot Features: =
Here is the detailed breakdown of all the features that we ship with WP Content Content Pilot to make it suitable for various cases!

* **Content Spinner**: Integration of spinning software which makes it possible to create unique automatic content (3rd party paid tool).
* **Template Editor**:  Control how auto-published posts will look using the supported template tags of the module.
* **Post Categories**:  The plugin will automatically insert these categories with newly published posts.
* *Post Tags**:  The plugin will automatically insert these tags with newly published posts.
* **Post Translation (PRO)**:  Translate any article from any language to your selected language on the fly.
* **Post Meta (PRO)**:  Make use of post meta to suit best with your theme and 3rd party plugins.
* **Search Replace(PRO)**:  Run search-replace in the auto-publish post to better control your need.
* **Automatic Affiliation (PRO)**:  Automatically insert your affiliate code to boost your affiliate commissions.

=== 💻 Find Out More: ===

* **[See The Live Demo Site]( "See the Live Demo Site")**
* **[Plugin Documentation]( "Plugin Documentation")**
* **[Need Help? Contact Our 24/7 Support]( "Need Help? Contact Our 24/7 Support")**
* **[WP Content Pilot PRO]( "WP Content Pilot PRO")**

= 💥 All Autoblogging Modules =

* **RSS Feed**: Automatically post RSS Feed on your site whenever a new post is published on the target site.
* **Envato Products**: Auto import from Envato markets ThemeForest, CodeCanyon, GraphicRiver, and PhotoDune products and insert as posts injecting your affiliate code.
* **YouTube Videos**: Post videos from YouTube by keyword, username, or from a specific playlist to your website.
* **Flickr Photos**: Automatically post Flickr photos in your website based on your predefined keywords.
* **Amazon Products (PRO)**: Auto import amazon products and insert them as posts based on your predefined keywords and inject your affiliate code.
* **Tweeter Tweets (PRO)**: Auto import Tweets from Twitter as WordPress posts based on your keywords or from any specific user.
* **eBay Products (PRO)**: Auto import eBay deals and insert them as posts based on your predefined keywords and inject your affiliate code.
* **Facebook Posts (PRO)**: Auto import Facebook posts from your timeline, page, or groups even that are private and post on your site.
* **ClickBank Products]( PRO**:  Fetch and post products as WordPress posts from the ClickBank site. The plugin will take care of the product description and affiliate links.
* **Ezine Articles (PRO)**: WP Content Pilot can fetch and automatically post articles to your WordPress site from EzineArticles.
* **Pinterest Pins (PRO)**: Import Pinterest pins and post them to your WordPress site. You can target specific pins by keyword, board, or from a particular user profile. You will also be able to apply custom filters to the result.
* **Instagram Posts (PRO)**: Import Instagram posts and publish them to your WordPress site with WP Content Pilot. You can target posts with specific keywords, hashtags, and also a particular profile to generate desired posts.
* **Reddit Posts (PRO)**: Auto post reddits or subreddit. Our plugin will also enable you to fetch comments with support for videos and GIFs..
* **Quora Posts (PRO)**: Grab articles from Quora and auto-publish as post on your site. You can insert any keyword to get posts from Quora.
* **CareerJet Posts (PRO)**: Auto import jobs from CareerJet and insert as posts injecting your affiliate code.
* **Itunes Items (PRO)**: Automatically import products from Itunes by keyword and insert as posts injecting your affiliate code.
* **Craigslist listings (PRO)**: Import listings from Craigslist and insert as posts keeping your site always up to date.
* **Walmart products (PRO)**: Auto import products from Walmart and insert as posts injecting your affiliate code.
* **BestBuy products (PRO)**: Import products from BestBuy and insert as posts injecting your affiliate code.
* **GearBest products (PRO)**: Automatically import products from GearBest by keyword and insert as posts injecting your affiliate code.

=== 💝 WP Content Pilot has received lots of love from its users: === 

> [I am not a programmer. I am not a WordPress programmer/user, I’m flying by the seat of my pants and learning every step of the way…. painfully but worth it. It’s a great piece of software. Now about WP-Content Pro – it does exactly what it states it does and makes my life with one less very important task to maintain. I need fresh content always for my site visits to see constant new ideas and fresh looks to entice new possibilities. I just received tech support. The chat went very well. My problem was quickly identified and provided a suggestion on how I could cure it. I made the first change and then evidentially with the new update there was a setting I needed to change and then poof! My blog was back up and generating new content. 👏👏](

> [The application does exactly what is promised! It automatically translates also.
> Even though the info for setting everything up could be more up to date, the online help is great!
> It’s a worthy experiment to see if it brings the results you are working towards.
> I’d recommend it to my friends. 👏👏](

=== 💢 Have a WooCommerce Store? Superchange it With Our WooCommerce Plugins: === 

* **[WC Key Manager – Effortlessly Sell and Manage any code and software license keys with WooCommerce.]( "WC Key Manager – Effortlessly Sell and Manage any code and software license keys with WooCommerce.")**
* **[WooCommerce Serial Numbers]( "WooCommerce Serial Numbers")**
* **[WooCommerce Category Slider]( "WooCommerce Category Slider")**
* **[WooCommerce Category Showcase]( "WooCommerce Category Showcase")**
* **[Min Max Quantities for WooCommerce]( "Min Max Quantities for WooCommerce")**
* **[WooCommerce Variation Swatches]( "WooCommerce Variation Swatches")**

== Screenshots ==
1. Available campaign types
2. Campaign List Page
3. Campaign Option Settings
4. Campaign Post Template Settings
5. Campaign Advanced Settings
6. Settings Page
7. Campaign Log Page
8. Campaign Actions
9. Post property settings

== Installation ==

= Minimum requirements =

* WordPress 5.0 or greater
* PHP version 7.4 or greater
* MySQL version 5.6 or greater
* MariaDB version 10 or later

= Automatic installation =

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don't need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WP Content Pilot, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click "Add New".

In the search field type "WP Content Pilot" and click Search Plugins. Once you have found the plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly, of course, you can install it by simply clicking "Install Now".

= Manual installation =

1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-pilot` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress

= Updating =

Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does WP Content Pilot support WordPress multisite installation? =

No, WP Content Pilot does not support multisite WordPress installation.

= How can I suggest for new features? =

We would love to hear your suggestions! Feel free to open a new issue [here]( as the feature request.

== Changelog ==
= 2.0.8 (February 27, 2025) =
* Fix - Few known issues are fixed.

= 2.0.7 (February 10, 2025) =
* Fix - Few known issues are fixed.

= 2.0.6 (January 15, 2025) =
* New - Feature to remove cached links if in case needed.
* Fix - Few known issues fixed.
* Remove - Removed the unused code.

= 2.0.5 (December 30, 2024) =
* Fix - Few broken links are fixed.

= 2.0.4 (December 08, 2024) =
* Compatibility - Check compatibility with the latest version of WordPress.

= 2.0.3 (October 27, 2024) =
* Fix - Admin Notice dismissible issue fixed.
* Fix - Few known issues fixed.

= 2.0.2 (September 04, 2024) =
* Fix - Fix the issue with the Feed Campaign module.

= 2.0.1 (August 25, 2024) =
* Fix - Fix the issue with the Campaign module.
* Compatibility - Check compatibility with the latest version of WordPress.
* Fix - Not updating WooCommerce product thumbnail image.

= 2.0.0 (August 21, 2024) =
* Enhance - Update the plugin UI.
* Fix - Compatibility with the latest WordPress version.
* Fix - Few broken links are fixed.
* Fix - Few known issues fixed.

= 1.3.6 (July 28, 2024) =
* Fix - Fix the issue with the Campaign module
* Fix - Fix compatibility with the WordPress latest version
* Fix - Fix compatibility with the ooCommerce latest version
* Fix - Fix not updating WooCommerce product price options.
* Fix - Fix few known issues.

= 1.3.5 (April 21, 2024) =
* Fix - Fix the issue with the Article module
* Fix - Fix the issue with the YouTube module
* Fix - Fix compatibility with WP v6.5

= 1.3.3 (Nov 24, 2022) =
* Fix: Compatability with WP v6.1

= 1..3.2 (May 24, 2022) =
* Fix - Enhance frontend styling
* Fix - Fix typo
* Fix - Style conflict with whydonate plugin
* Fix - Compatability with WP v6.0.0 
* Enhance - Rearrange plugin menus

= 1.3.1 (December 27, 2021) =
* Enhance - Add polylang support
* Fix - Skip deleted campaigns

= 1.3.0 (August 10, 2021) =
* Fix - Article campaign bing search not working
* Fix - Logs pagination errors
* Enhance - Category and Author are added as search filters in Envato campaign
* Enhance - Audio jungle added as sites Envato campaign
* Enhance - Different image sizes options added in Flickr campaign post template
* Enhance - YouTube live video and safe search options added
* Enhance - YouTube search from channel added

= 1.2.9 (October 19, 2020) =
* Fix - Flickr Campaign tags and dates are not showing
* Fix - Envato Campaign affiliate live url not showing
* Fix - Campaign selection box min-height issue
* Enhance - Rewrite the readability functions
* Enhance - Flick campaign find image from specific user
* Enhance - Flickr campaign category update
* Enhance - Spinner Settings updated

= 1.2.8 (September 23, 2020) =
* Fix - Last run is showing same date for every campaign #94
* Fix - Campaign frequency throwing notice #87
* Fix - Yoast seo select2 script conflict

= 1.2.7 (July 1, 2020) =
* Fix - Updater did not run on previous version.

= 1.2.6 (July 1, 2020) =
* Feature - Add spintax support
* Enhance - Real time logging
* Fix - Bug fixed.
* Enhance - Compatibility ensured with 5.4.2

= 1.2.5 (June 1, 2020) =
* Fix - Disappear action metabox
* Fix - YouTube chinese title getting broken

= 1.2.4 (May 4, 2020) =
* Fix - YouTube playlist is not working
* Enhance - New column add
* Enhance - UI improvement

= 1.2.3 (April 27, 2020) =
* Fix - Duplicate post  publish
* Enhance - Campaign props meta to own table
* Enhance - Custom post status support

= 1.2.2 (March 18, 2020) =
* Fix - Title cleaner is not working
* Fix - Skip post with title is not working

= 1.2.1 (March 8, 2020) =
* Fix - Google alert feed links not working
* Fix - Campaign not redirecting after post publish
* Fix - Sometimes post {title} is cut off #72
* Enhance - Add control for cleaning title
* Enhance - Add control duplicate title

= 1.2.0 (February 25, 2020) =
* Enhance - New UI for better accessibility and user experience
* Enhance - Module classes rewritten for better performance

= 1.1.4 (January 2, 2020) =
* Enhance - API key masked so nobody cant see saved API keys
* Fix - WordPress compatibility with 5.3.2

= 1.1.3 (December 5, 2019) =
* Enhance - Image sources in data attribute not adding with article
* Enhance - YouTube api error logging
* Fix - Database prefix not working

= (November 21, 2019) =
* Fix - Code optimization to fix stuck campaigns

= 1.1.2 (November 20, 2019) =
* Fix - Content fetching error in youtube
* Fix - WP compatibility v5.3

= 1.1.1 (November 3, 2019) =
* Fix - Per minute cron auto shutdown 
* Enhance - Reset search page number
* Enhance - YouTube additional settings

= 1.1.0 (October 24, 2019) =
* Fix - Warning send email notification
* Fix - WP compatibility v5.2.4

= 1.0.9 (October 01, 2019) =
* Fix - Content type plain text not working
* Feature - Send email notification when a new post is created

= 1.0.8 (September 17, 2019) =
* Fix - Post is not assigning to the preset categories
* Fix - YouTube video missing embed HTML

= 1.0.7 (August 22, 2019) =
* Fix - Remove duplicate modules folder
* Enhance - Add force feed feature

= 1.0.6  (August 9, 2019) =
* Fix - Database table could not create below mysql v5.6
* Enhance - Add settings to remove table on uninstall

= 1.0.5 (July 15, 2019) =
* Enhance - Reporting or cron system
* Enhance - Reporting of database missing

= 1.0.4 (June 24, 2019) =
* Enhance - Full rewrite of the plugin
* Enhance - Better templating
* Enhance - Better UI
* Enhance - Many more

= 1.0.3 (July 8, 2018) =
* Feature - Allow Comment
* Feature - Allow Ping back
* Enhance - Beautify HTML
* Fix - Author not saving
* Fix - Searching post links

= 1.0.2 -> April 12, 2018 =
* Enhance - Keywords searching system updated
* Enhance - Keywords type exact or anyword add
* Fix - Post status change does not update campaign status

= 1.0.1 (March 09, 2018) =
* Enhance - Add Envato for affiliate marketing
* Enhance - Add test campaign feature
* Enhance - New settings page design

= 1.0.0 (Feb 09, 2018) =
* Beta release


The plugin posts high quality Articles. Amazon, Ebay, BestBuy, Walmart Products Youtube, Vimeo Videos as well as Images from Flicker and from others platforms based on your keywords.






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