is a library for backtesting on cryptocurrency portfolios, as well as analyzing correlations, plotting relevant rolling graphs, and more.
With coinframe
, you can set portfolios, buy, sell, and check value at every step. Designed to work with all standard cryptocurrency data-sources, Coinframe
allows rapid checking of trading strategies on python, on-the-go.
Here, we have a coinframe
object named cf
, and in the coin_list
, we have ETH
and SOL
; data has been pooled from the data
directory in the repository.
i = 0
while (i < 1000):
if rise.loc[rise.index == cf.backtest.index[offset+i]]["Derivative"].values[0] == 1:
if cf.coin_list["ETH"] >= 1:
success = cf.sell(1, "ETH")
if not success:
continue, "SOL")
if cf.coin_list["SOL"] >= 1:
success = cf.sell(1, "SOL"), "ETH")
cf.progress(steps = 60)
print(f"Total money: {}, Total coins: {cf.coin_list}, Total value: {cf.find_value()}")
i +=1
Coinframe Error: Not enough money to buy.
Require 3433.73 but only have 3003.49.
Total money: 3003.49, Total coins: {'Price': 0, 'SOL': 0, 'ETH': 37}, Total value: 130219.85
Sell 1 ETH for 3438.28.
Now have 36 ETH and 6441.77 money.
Buy 1 SOL for 177.69999999999982.
Now have 1 SOL and 6264.070000000001 money.
Total money: 6264.070000000001, Total coins: {'Price': 0, 'SOL': 1, 'ETH': 36}, Total value: 129625.16000000002
Sell 1 SOL for 177.73.
Now have 0 SOL and 6441.8 money.
Buy 1 ETH for 3421.76.
Now have 37 ETH and 3020.04 money.
Total money: 3020.04, Total coins: {'Price': 0, 'SOL': 0, 'ETH': 37}, Total value: 129893.78
eth_data = pd.read_csv("./data/BitMart/ETH_USDT_5m.csv")
cf = coinframe(eth_data)
cf.rolling_average(hours = HOURS)
Future plans include visualizing heatmaps and related graphs for finding correlations between coins, and more.
sns.clustermap(correlation_matrix, cmap="RdYlGn")
Coinframe is a work-in-progress, so feel free to put in a PR and share in the work!
Notably, if you can find a way to add backtesting strategies through boolean expressions passed to the function, that would be really helpful!
Reach me at [email protected]