With this little app you’ll be able to add addresses, update address, view addresses and delete addresses using a handy little single page webapp built with React + Spring Boot.
java -jar target/react-address-book-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
With the app running, you can check things out on the command line using cURL (or any other tool you like).
View a specific Address:
$ curl localhost:8080/api/address/view/?id=1 { "id":1, "firstName":"firstName", "lastName":"lastName", "email":"[email protected]", "phone":"999-999-9999", "address":"address", "address2":"address2", "city":"city", "state":"CA", "zipcode":"91361" }
List all Addresses:
$ curl localhost:8080/api/address/list [{ "id" : 1, "firstName" : "firstName", "lastName" : "lastName", "email" : "[email protected]", "phone" : "999-999-9999", "address" : "address", "address2" : "address2", "city" : "city", "state" : "CA", "zipcode" : "91361" }]
Create a New Address:
$ curl -X POST localhost:8080/api/address/new -d "{\"firstName\": \"George\", \"lastName\": \"Washington\", \"email\": \"[email protected]\", \"phone\": \"(999) 999-9999\",\"address\": \"16 Pennsylvania Ave\",\"address2\": \"Apt 2\",\"city\": \"Washington\",\"state\": \"D.C\",\"zipcode\": \"99999\"}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" { "id":2, "firstName":"George", "lastName":"Washington", "email":"[email protected]", "phone":"(999) 999-9999", "address":"16 Pennsylvania Ave", "address2":"Apt 2", "city":"Washington", "state":"D.C", "zipcode":"99999" }
Update an Existing Address:
$ curl -X POST localhost:8080/api/address/update -d "{\"id\": \"1\", \"firstName\": \"Denzel\", \"lastName\": \"Washington\", \"email\": \"[email protected]\", \"phone\": \"(999) 999-9999\",\"address\": \"16 Pennsylvania Ave\",\"address2\": \"Apt 2\",\"city\": \"Washington\",\"state\": \"D.C\",\"zipcode\": \"99999\"}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" { "id":1, "firstName":"Denzel", "lastName":"Washington", "email":"[email protected]", "phone":"(999) 999-9999", "address":"16 Pennsylvania Ave", "address2":"Apt 2", "city":"Washington", "state":"D.C", "zipcode":"99999" }
Delete an Existing Address:
$ curl -X POST localhost:8080/api/address/delete/2 { "message" : "success" }