cloud-pnda is under active development and is not suited for production use.
This repo maintains the source code of the cloud-pnda helm chart and some auxiliary files such as example override yaml files (profiles) and grafana-dashboards. cloud-pnda helm chart enables you to deploy PNDA (the scalable, open source big data analytics platform for networks and services) on Kubernetes.
It deploys PNDA components and Big Data Requirements.
A helm client uses the cloud-native helm chart to deploy PNDA platform on Kubernetes. Default configuration values can be overriden providing an external yaml file (See Configuration Section).
- Kubernetes (tested with v1.17)
Point kubectl to your own k8s cluster or follow any of the tutorials to deploy a testing k8s cluster in your local machine.
- Helm 3 (tested with v3.0.2)
curl | tar xz
sudo cp linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/
rm -r linux-amd64
Cloud-pnda uses strimzi operator to Manage Kafka on Kubernetes
Strimzi-operator is not provided as a helm dependency because strimzi-CRDs (custom resources definitions) must be present
prior to helm install cloud-pnda
. We hope to fix this in the future.
To install strimzi you can follow this instructions.
- Create a k8s namespace for cloud-pnda:
kubectl create namespace pnda
- Install strimzi:
helm repo add strimzi
helm repo update
helm3 install strimzi strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator \
--namespace pnda \
--version 0.16.1
WARNING! If you install strimzi in a different namespace than cloud-pnda, You must install strimzi with set watchNamespaces
pointing to the cloud-pnda namespace.
Example of strimzi in its own namespace:
helm repo add strimzi
helm repo update
kubectl create namespace strimzi
helm3 install strimzi strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator \
--namespace strimzi \
--version 0.16.1 \
--set watchNamespaces[0]=pnda
The helm repository provides packaged helm charts of this repo releases.
Install strimzi.
Add cloud-pnda helm repo:
helm repo add pndaproject
helm repo update
- Install cloud-pnda in the selected namespace:
helm install cloud-pnda pndaproject/cloud-pnda \
--namespace pnda \
--version 0.1.0-beta1
Install strimzi.
Update cloud-pnda dependecies:
helm dep update charts/cloud-pnda
- Install cloud-pnda in the selected namespace:
helm install cloud-pnda charts/cloud-pnda \
--namespace pnda
Default configuration deploys a set of ingresses that works for local k8s clusters (microk8s, k3s), out-of-the-box:
- Access PNDA console at with user pnda password pnda
- Access jupyerhub at with user pnda password pnda
- Access grafana at with user pnda password pnda
- Access hdfs namenode management ui at
- Access kafka-manager ui at
- Access schema-registry ui at
- Access kafka-connect-ui at
PNDA is configured by default for minimum resource requirements (for example HA is disabled by default).
To override default configuration values, the user must provide a yaml file in the helm install command:
helm install cloud-pnda charts/cloud-pnda/ \
--namespace pnda \
-f custom-config.yaml
This repository contains several custom configuration examples in profiles folder with several pnda custom deployments:
- profiles/red-pnda.yml: profile to deploy pnda in a single computer for development purposes.
- profiles/pico.yml: profile to deploy pnda in a cluster with minimum resources.
- More to be added.
The default values of PNDA components and Big Data dependencies can be checked at charts/cloud-pnda/values.yaml file.
For customizing the external dependencies, go to each dependency information:
- Kafka and Zookeeper: manually edit the Kafka Resource with
kubectl --namespace pnda edit kafka strimzi
- KafkaConnect: manually edit the KafkaConnect Resource with
kubectl --namespace pnda edit kafkaconnect strimzi
- hdfs: More info here.
- hbase: more info here
- openstsdb: more info here.
- spark-standalone: more info here.
- jupyterhub: more info here.
If you want to undone the deployment of cloud-pnda:
- Uninstall helm chart:
helm uninstall cloud-pnda --namespace pnda
- Remove pnda namespace:
kubectl delete namespace pnda
To remove strimzi:
- Uninstall helm chart:
helm uninstall strimzi --namespace strimzi
- Remove pnda namespace:
kubectl delete namespace strimzi