This will start the pythin dev server and make the site available on localhost:8111
vagrant up
fab vagrant runserver
Use can use the etc/
to create your own local
script, just edit DEVOPS_DIR
to point at you appropriate directories then run etc/ cms-crop
. Or you can use the commands below.
To dump the live databse and load into a vagrant dev site
go to devops and use the nornal ansible commands. This will dump the database to devops/backup
the from the cms-crop repo run
fab vagrant restore_db:DUMP_FILEN_NAME
vagrant ssh
psql -Upostgres
# Once in postgres
DROP DATABASE wagtaildemo;
# Recreate it from command line
createdb -Upostgres wagtaildemo
cd into devops and run
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini provisioning/playbook.yml -l --ask-vault-pass
You can use rsync for this.
# Copying from staging to local vagrant
rsync -avz /Users/wilblack/django-projects/cms-crop
# Copying from staging to production
# First copy to local machine
rsync -avz /Users/wilblack/django-projects/cms-crop
# Then copy to proudction site. (You may need to change file permissions)
rsync -avz /Users/wilblack/django-projects/cms-crop/media
Data catalogs (Themes and layers) are pulled from
To trigger this send a GET to /webhook/?token=a5680aa0-3473-11e4-8c21-0800200c9a66&action=update-catalog
This will run the update_data_topics
in the background using Celery.
You need to have the celery worker running. In vagrant you can start the Celery worker with
celery -A wagtaildemo worker -l info
JSON Object (with themes controlled by MP)
themes : [ // Themes shouldbe shorted in alphabetical order by english name.
id: 27,
name : "Administrative & Regulatory",
short_description: "A short description",
description : "A long description",
spanish_name : "Espanol name",
spanish_short_description: "Espanol short description",
spanish_description: "Espanol description",
layers: [ // Layers should be sorted in alphabetical order by name.
id : 370,
name : "200NM EZ and Maritime Boundaries",
description : "This layer contains the US 200nm EEZ as...",
map_link : "",
kml_link : "",
data_link : "",
tiles_link : "",
meta_link : ""
}, {
id : 371,
name : "",
description : "",
map_link : "",
kml_link : "",
data_link : "",
tiles_link : "",
meta_link : ""
Wagtail is distributed as a Python package, to be incorporated into a Django project via the INSTALLED_APPS setting. To get you up and running quickly, we provide a demo site with all the configuration in place, including a set of example page types.
We recommend running Wagtail in a virtual machine using Vagrant, as this ensures that the correct dependencies are in place regardless of how your host machine is set up.
Run the following commands:
git clone
cd wagtaildemo
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
(then, within the SSH session:)
./ createsuperuser
./ runserver
This will make the app accessible on the host machine as http://localhost:8111/ - you can access the Wagtail admin interface at http://localhost:8111/admin/ . The codebase is located on the host machine, exported to the VM as a shared folder; code editing and Git operations will generally be done on the host.
The above setup is all you need for trying out the demo site and building Wagtail-powered sites. To develop Wagtail itself, you'll need a working copy of the Wagtail codebase alongside your demo site, shared with your VM so that it is picked up instead of the packaged copy of Wagtail. From the location where you cloned wagtaildemo:
git clone
cd wagtaildemo
cp Vagrantfile.local.example Vagrantfile.local
(edit Vagrantfile.local to specify the path to the wagtail codebase, if required)
cp wagtaildemo/settings/ wagtaildemo/settings/
(uncomment the lines from 'import sys' onward, and edit the rest of as appropriate)
If your VM is currently running, you'll then need to run vagrant halt
followed by vagrant up
for the changes to take effect.
Don't want to set up a whole VM to try out Wagtail? No problem.
With PostgreSQL running (and configured to allow you to connect as the 'postgres' user - if not, you'll need to adjust the createdb
line and the database settings in wagtaildemo/settings/ accordingly), run the following commands:
git clone
cd wagtaildemo
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
createdb -Upostgres wagtaildemo
./ syncdb
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser
./ runserver
Django comrpessor should autmoatically recompress css files on page load. If your CSS changes are not showing up, this may be becuase there duplicates of the css files in the /static/. To fix delete everything in /static/ and then refresh your browser. There should only be CACHE/css in there.
Stable version on cms-crop - -e git://
Old version on Wil's vagrant -e git://