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Room acoustics characterization

This project contains a whole research pipeline on room acoustics characterization using neural networks.

Table of contents

General info

The acoustical character of a room is important in many situations that we often do not pay attention to. Acoustic properties are however an important aspect of room design. They are closely related to speech intelligibility and music reproduction quality in an enclosed space.

Portable speakers are made to be used in many different environments such as indoor or outdoor, or in different sized rooms that might have not been optimized for sound quality. Thus, Designing versatile speakers with the goal of having the best possible sound reproduction involves taking room acoustic parameters into consideration.

Each room has its own signature that correspond to its response to an excitation over every frequency. This is called the room impulse response. It is due to the reverberation of the sound on the walls and the absorption due to the materials and objects of a room. In consequence, any played sound or spoken sentence in a room will be subject to modulations.

Unconsciously, humans and other forms of life sense these modulations and process them such that we are able to abstract those parameters and use them to stay balanced and, even with closed eyes, are able to stand still and know in which room they are.

A simple illustration of that is when you hear someone on the phone and he is in his bathroom. A bathroom is usually a very reverberant environment when made out of hard tiles that reflect sound with almost no absorption. If no de-reverberation processing is applied to the sound, your interlocutor will be hard to understand as his speech will be very reverberant.

This repository contains machine learning based methods to teach such faculties to a portable loudspeaker equipped with a microphone.


Function block diagram of the method Methodology


  • python - version 3.7
  • tensorflow-gpu - version 2.1
  • librosa - version 0.7.2
  • scipy - version 1.4.1
  • sox - version 1.3.7
  • cudnn - version 7.6.5
  • cuda - version 10.1_0


git clone
cd room-acoustics-characterization
conda env create -f environment.yml


Getting dataset

The train and test datasets as well as the weights can be found in the NAS in this directory:

smb://\ Spring/Paul\ Callens\ -\ Room\ acoustic\ characterization/

Prepare dataset

    1. From data to network input Trim, resample, normalize audio, convolve to simulate room reverberation and compute mfccs
python [-h] -audioDir AUDIODIR -rirDir RIRDIR -outDir OUTDIR -trim
               TRIM -outFormat OUTFORMAT [OUTFORMAT ...] [-noiseSNR NOISESNR]
               [-noiseType NOISETYPE] [-noiseFile NOISEFILE]
Short Long Default Description
-h --help show this help message and exit
-audioDir --audioDir None Music directory.
-rirDir --rirDir None rir directory
-outDir --outDir None output directory
-trim --trim None Audio length in seconds
-outFormat --outFormat None output format (mfcc mel wavfile)
-noiseSNR --noiseSNR None Add noise to rev signal at the specified SNR
-noiseType --noiseType white Type of noise --> white, random or real. if real, please specify file with noiseFile
-noiseFile --noiseFile None Path to real noise file

New audio and RIR directories will be created containing the re-sampled and trimmed wav files. Please use the new RIR directory to compute the true acoustic values in the following command. To add random noise, please specify -noiseSNR 0 and -noiseType random

    1. Compute true acoustic values from normed rir directory

To generate the true t60, c50, c80 and drr values from your RI dataset, run :

python [-h] -rirDir RIRDIR -outDir OUTDIR -params PARAMS [PARAMS ...]
               [-bands BANDS [BANDS ...]]
Short Long Default Description
-h --help show this help message and exit
-rirDir --rirDir None rir directory.
-outDir --outDir None output folder.
-params --params None parameters to be computed.
-bands --bands [125.0, 250.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 2000.0, 4000.0] center bands for parameters computations

It will create subdirectories for each parameter and pickle files with the name from the original rir.


Once the preparation is done, you can start training your network with :

python [-h] -xDir XDIR -yDir YDIR [-outDir OUTDIR] -name NAME
               [-load_weights LOAD_WEIGHTS] [-n_epochs N_EPOCHS]
               [-window_size WINDOW_SIZE] [-mfcc_bands MFCC_BANDS]
               [-n_channels N_CHANNELS] [-output_size OUTPUT_SIZE]
               [-batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [-y_param Y_PARAM] [-net NET]
               [-lr LEARNING_RATE] [-gpu GPU]
Short Long Default Description
-h --help show this help message and exit
-xDir --xDir None Mfcc data directory.
-yDir --yDir None true acoustic values (from rir) directory.
-outDir --outDir trainings/ output directory where to save logs and weights
-name --name None Training label /!\ No space please.
-load_weights --load_weights None path to weights to load, default None does not load any.
-n_epochs --n_epochs 1000 Number of epochs before finish.
-window_size --window_size 798 mfcc window size
-mfcc_bands --mfcc_bands 40 Number of mfcc bands (along freq axis)
-n_channels --n_channels 1 Numbers of mfccs stacked for input
-output_size --output_size 6 output shapes [number of freq bands]
-batch_size --batch_size 64 Network batch size
-y_param --y_param t60 Output to learn : t60, drr, c50, c80, all
-net --net CRNN2D_2 which neural net to train
-lr --learning_rate 0.001 adam learning rate
-gpu --gpu 1 gpu 0 or gpu 1


    1. Simulate reverberation from audio and rir file:
python simulate_reverberation [-h] -audio AUDIO -rir RIR -trim TRIM [-noiseSNR NOISESNR]
               [-noiseType NOISETYPE] [-noiseFile NOISEFILE]
Short Long Default Description
-h --help show this help message and exit
-audio --audio None Audio file
-rir --rir None RIR file
-trim --trim None Audio length in seconds
-noiseSNR --noiseSNR None Add noise to rev signal at the specified SNR
-noiseType --noiseType white Type of noise --> white or real. if real, please specify file with noiseFile argument
-noiseFile --noiseFile None Path to real noise file
    1. Make predictions
python [-h] -revAudio REVAUDIO [-gpu GPU] [-param PARAM] [-rir RIR]
               [-model MODEL] -weights WEIGHTS
Short Long Default Description
-h --help show this help message and exit
-revAudio --revAudio None reverberant audio file.
-gpu --gpu 0 GPU used for computation
-param --param t60 Parameter to predict among t60,c50,c80,drr,all
-rir --rir None Specify rir to print true output
-model --model CRNN2D_largefilters Network to use for inference
-weights --weights None Load model weights


Created by @polocallens - feel free to contact me! Paul Callens


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