Version bump to match version on PyPI.
- 6f3092e Add styling for <code>, also change body background to #fff
- f425f0c Add tag pages at /tag/{{tag}}
- 3b65ed5 Change some margin and padding in monoblue
- 874c08e Delete skins to make maintenance easier
- 834e7a9 Fix issue with custom dates getting overriden by front-matter
- 238d13d Update screenshot in README.md
- d92ec60 Make arbitrary front matter data available as variables in template
- b903327 Add empty line in petroglyph command line script to fix flake8 issue
- bb8a75f Update README.md to include pip install docutils
- 242845f Add support for reStructuredText using docutils
- 4f51af0 Update README.md to add info about installating from pip
- 2de3aca Move README.me from petroglyph/ to repo root
- 703d445 Fix code style issue in setup.py
- da54926 Change to use setuptools packaging
- 7c5d498 Fix typo in README.md
- b4c08d4 Add Travis CI build status badge to README.md
- 903db03 Added .travis.yml to run flake8
- 8e091dd Update G+1 code in skins
- e695464 Add spacing to bottom of post pages
- 9d0690c Fix font inclusions in HTML link tags
- b2555ae Add missing closing brace in theme CSS files
- c96bbaa Fix blockquote border styling
- 36b8dbb Increase line-height for all posts
- c52a901 README.md: Add information about other included themes
- 0d6c024 Add instructions for how to add petroglyph to $PATH in README