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Release notes
- Consider station supply objects in import (#2296)
- BaseVoltage attribute exported in CGMES for PowerTransformerEnd (#2283)
- Export without topological nodes mapping (#2053)
- Find a voltage level when substation contains nodes + explicit exception thrown when access to undefined voltage level of conducting equipment instead of NullPointerException (#2298)
- Move CGMES shortcircuits into core. (#2311)
- Fix CGMES target deadband (#2317)
- Fix: do not export flows and terminals of non-exported switches (#2327)
- Fix conversion of equivalent branches with different nominal voltages (#2329)
- Add missing attributes or references in CGMES export (#2328)
- Export Switch.normalOpen
- Export Equipment.EquipmentContainer of GeneratingUnit
- Export Equipment.EquipmentContainer of Shunts
- Export Equipment.EquipmentContainer of PowerTransformers
- Export RatioTapChanger.tculControlMode
- Export Equipment.EquipmentContainer for static var compensators
- Export ConductingEquipment.BaseVoltage for AcLineSegments
- CGMES Export: export missing load groups (#2344)
- Fix exception processing an equivalent branch with zero impedance inside a voltage level (#2349)
- CGMES. Add functional logs (#1901)
- Add IEEE 33 and 69 buses network (#2299)
- Fix IdentifiableShortCircuit so that it only applies to voltage levels, buses and busbar sections. (#2285)
- Add getConnectable(string) in network (#2297)
- Topology Processor: Components with single bus are ignored (#2310)
- Add network FourSubstationsNodeBreaker with extensions. (#2314)
- Add ratio tap changer to four substations network (#2320)
- StandbyAutomaton extension of static var compensator (#2335)
IIDM comparator
- ShuntCompensator active power comparison in NetworkStateComparator (#2305)
- Added SVCs reactive power and voltage comparison in NetworkStateComparator (#2312)
IIDM modifications
- Changes on network modifications: Do not use redundant voltage level ID in CreateLineOnLine and ConnectVoltageLevelOnLine + Rename attribute + Delete deprecated constructors (#2292)
- Fix extension creation in case of no connectables in the voltage level. (#2306)
- Detach a voltage level from 2 lines (line split reverse action) (#2228)
- Add coupling device (#2288)
- Create voltage level topology (#2289)
- Detach a line from 3 lines (attach new line on line reverse action) (#2230)
- Fix loop to get unused positions + refactoring + min is 0, not Integer.MIN_VALUE (#2333)
- Create voltage level topology with only one section (#2342)
- Remove feeder bay (#2340)
- Matpower: fix inverted voltage limits (#2338)
- Support number of parallel lines (nlnum) attribute (#2272)
- Add phase angle clock from transformer connection type (#2262)
- Allow empty matrices in DGS parser (#2276)
- Common impedance, fix conversion to engineering units when it has different nominal at both ends (#2281)
- Consider sign of shortCircuitVoltage attribute (#2290)
- Out of service (#2282)
- Generator converter, for targetP and targetQ use pgini_a and qgini_a if are available #2337
Security Analysis
- Refactor action deserializer (#2321)
- Make OperatorStrategy extendable (#2323)
- Refactor actions JSON serialization / deserialization + plugin mechanism (#2325)
- Generator action (#2237)
- Load action (#2331)
Short Circuit
- Fix ShortCircuitParametersSerializer boolean default values (#2316)
- UCTE import, avoid empty element name properties (#2322)
- Upgrade string template version (#2301)
- Use PowSyBl Parent 9 (#2304)
- Bump commons-text from 1.9 to 1.10.0 (#2334)
- Bump jackson to 2.13.4 and jackson-databind to [CVE-2022-42003] [CVE-2022-42004] (#2336)
- Remove iidm-converter-api (merged with iidm-api) (#2350)