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Michael Bernard edited this page Apr 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

The Metadata tab has two sections: the Metadata section on the left, and the Reference section on the right. Each of these two sections corresponds to the similarly named section of the PyKed schema.


File Version

Fill in the version of the file. This can be any datatype.

ChemKed Version

By default, this field is filled in with the latest version of PyKed you have installed.

File Authors

File authors may be added and removed using the Add... and Remove... buttons. Each author has two fields: name and ORCID. The ORCID field may be left blank.


Miscellaneous Reference Information

These fields include: DOI, Journal, Year, Volume, Pages, and Detail. If your file references another source, fill in these fields as appropriate. The input information can be of any datatype.

Reference Authors

Adding, removing, and exporting reference authors behaves exactly the same as with file authors.