Releases: practicalli-johnny/astronvim-3-config
2024-02-27 AstroNvim user template updates
astronvim: updates from user_example template repository
Updates from repository from which practicalli/astronvim-config was created on May 6 2023
- luacheck config
- neoconf config: disable lua_ls format
- mappings: examples for H & L bindings to navigate open buffers left & right
2023-11-13 - Enabled zipPlugin and other minor improvements
Clojure LSP can now show function definitions from library files in a project, e.g. from any Clojure dependency jar files (zipPlugin is used to read the contents of a jar file as a zip file)
Configuration files for Markdownlint and Alex are provided in the tools-config directory and loaded relative to the user account home path. The current configuration seems very stable now 🤞🏽
- option: configure neovide to use fira code font size 20
- community: configure parinfer with alternative mode, smart, paredit, indent (default)
- core: set
log level 3
to hide file write notifications - default log level is 5
- init:
name corrected for Clojure LSP server - init: remove zipPlugin from disabled_plugins so
jumps to function definitions in jar files - init: show configuration to use an external clojure-lsp server rather than one managed by mason
- user: set filetype to markdown for allen-mack/nvim-table-md plugin
- null-ls: set config files for markdownlint and alex
- core: show hidden files in neotree by default
2023-07-21 override null-ls linter config
Using extra_args
the default configuration used by null-ls can be overridden by specifying a specific location
- init: enable lua & prettier lsp tools
- null-ls: use specific markdownlint configuration file
- snippet: link youtube icon
- snippet: update markdown link icon descriptions
- mappings: new and previous tab, with sub-menu
- community: nvim-neoclip-lua telescope for yanks
- git: neogit sub-menu key in mappings
2023-07-12 plugins, mapping and snippets
- community: nvim-jqx plugin to view JSON files in neovim
- community: rest-nvim plugin to call REST endpoints from neovim
- mapping:
key mapping for GitSigns stage hunk (orginally mapped toSPC g s
in AstroNvim) - snippets: luasnip vscode-style snippets for Clojure and Markdown
First published release of Practicalli user configuration for AstroNvim, supporting Clojure development with Conjure, parinfer, Treesitter Clojure parser and Clojure LSP
Configuration and usage documented in Practicalli Neovim
- community: rainbow-delimiters-nvim replaces nvim-ts-rainbow2 plugin
- core: Set notify pop-up to show from bottom to avoid clash with noice dialog boxes
- community: mg979/vim-visual-multi lazy load on event = "User AstroFile"
- community: higher priority & commwnts only options for todocomments
- git: add local astrocommunity for testing
- git: neogitorg location for neogit plugin
- plugin: nvim-table-md markdown table format
- lsp: disable markdown and prettier format on save
- mappings:
write to file - plugin: nvim-surround from AstroCommunity
- mappings: SPC f p Telescope project
- git: update openingh-nvim package name from community
- community: add noice for command line popups
- options: set key sequence timeout length to 420ms
- community: Clojure pack with Conjure, Parinfer, Treesitter parser and Clojure LSP
- distraction-free editing with zen-mode
- local repository config for testing Astrocommunity contributions
- markdown: tools and config override
- theme: add themes & load immediately to be selectable
- community: lua language pack
- community: json language pack
- community: Docker language pack
- community: clojure language pack
- mason: ensure lsp servers, format & lint tools enabled
- core: better escape plugin,
mapped toEsc
- git: Octo for GitHub issues & PRs, under leader G
- git: neogit plugin wth options, astrocommunity
- init: set everforest as default theme
- plugin: vim-visual-multi for multiple cursors
- plugin: add projects support with telescope extension
- plugin: add todo-comments support
- bindings: SPC TAB to toggle last buffer
- options: set localleader (now available in AstroNvim)
- snippets: load path for vscode style snippets
- clojure: conjure & parinfer plugins, aucommand for ;; comments (contributed as Clojure pack in Astrocommunity repository)