FIXME: my new application.
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FIXME: explanation
Run the project directly, via :exec-fn
$ clojure -X:run-x
Hello, Clojure!
Run the project, overriding the name to be greeted:
$ clojure -X:run-x :name '"Someone"'
Hello, Someone!
Run the project directly, via :main-opts
(-m pradesigner.fyscraper
$ clojure -M:run-m
Hello, World!
Run the project, overriding the name to be greeted:
$ clojure -M:run-m Via-Main
Hello, Via-Main!
Run the project's tests (they'll fail until you edit them):
$ clojure -M:test:runner
Build an uberjar:
$ clojure -X:uberjar
Run that uberjar:
$ java -jar fyscraper.jar
FIXME: listing of options this app accepts.
Copyright © 2021 Pradmin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.