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Routes and Controllers

pramode edited this page Jun 24, 2011 · 12 revisions

All about URL Routing

Basic stuff

Add a line to conf/routes:

GET /test Application.test

Now, write a function "test" and save it in app/controllers/

 public class Application extends Controller {

   public static void index() {

   public static void test() {



Create an HTML file test.html in app/views/Application/test.html

The "render" function called from "test" (which is a member of class Application) will render the file app/views/Application/test.html.

Patterns in url's

The line:

GET /fun/{id1}/{id2}

Will match the url:




The part within {} represent variables.

The function "" gets called with two parameters which will be equal to the actual value of the two variable parts of the url.

Here is the function:

  public static void fun(String id1, String id2) {

(Note: the println will print to stdout. A blank screen is the browser output)

(Note: The parameters of "fun" have to be named as the corresponding variable parts of the routes file - in this case id1 and id2. If the names don't match, then the function parameters are set to default values like null for objects and 0 for int. The framework automatically performs type casting.)

Another way to get the HTTP parameters:

  public static void fun() {
    String a = params.get("id1");
    System.out.println("id1=" + a); 

The HTTP parameters can be accessed through the dictionary "params".

Another example:

route definition: GET /fun

URL request: /fun/id1=10&id2=20

Method fun:

    public static void fun() {
       String a = params.get("id1");
       String b = params.get("id2");
       System.out.println("id1=" + a); 
       System.out.println("id2=" + b); 

More complex route handling

Create a model class,

   package models;

   import java.util.*;
   import javax.persistence.*;

   import play.db.jpa.*;

   public class Client extends Model {

        public String name;
        public int age;


Now, write the controller function:

   public static void fun(Client c){ 
      System.out.println("name=" +;
      System.out.println("age=" + c.age);

This will respond to the URL:

GET /fun?"pce"&c.age=35

(Note: database has to be configured for this example to work)

HTTP response

The "render" function renders a template and delivers the HTTP response. It never returns.

The "renderText" function renders a simple text message:

    public static void test() {

          renderText("Testing renderText....");   

Adding data to template scope:

Here is the controller function:

      public static void test() {
          Client client =  new Client();
 = "Arun";
          renderArgs.put("client", client);

The class "Client" is defined in the file app/models/

Here is the template file, test.html (under app/views/Application/test.html):


           Client name is ${}



Instead of using renderArgs.put(), the easy way is to pass the variables to the render function:


The template will then be able to access properties of the object client using the ${...} notation. Multiple values can be passed in this way. (only local variables can be passed).


The "redirect" method generates an HTTP redirect:


Action chaining

Read the documentation



     static void dummyInterceptor() {
        System.out.println("interceptor called...");

Functions annotated with @Before are "interceptors" - the function "dummyInterceptor" gets called before any action of this controller class is invoked. It can be used for making security checks (a simple example).

If you write:


this interceptor will get called before any action except "fun".

If you specify

  @Before(only={"fun", "test"})

the interceptor will be called only for the actions "fun" and "test".

There are three other interceptor specifications: @After, @Catch and @Finally. Read documentation for more details.