Starting the Database
Build the database image
cd data docker build -t scooters-postgis-image .
Run the image
docker run -d --name scooters-postgis-container -p 5555:5432 scooters-postgis-image
If the external port is changed (other than 5555), change the
Backend code is present in the server folder. Backend is configured to run at port 4000.
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the backend
npm start
Front end code is present in the client folder Install dependencies
npm install
Start the frontend
npm start
Your goal is to code a system that can fetch the closest x scooters for a given lat,lon within y meters and plot it on a map. This exercise will include front-end, backend and data storage, and you can choose any technology you’d like for each.
- Create the data storage for the scooters and populate data for scooters placed randomly throughout Singapore.
- Write a backend service that can provide data to the front end for plotting the closest x scooters within y meters of a given lat,lon
- Write front end that allows you to set: x scooters y search radius lat, and long It should fetch the data based on these params from the backend service, and it should plot on a map.
Singapore max bounds are derieved from this link
Postgis base image link
Mapping library leaflet