Toast Library for different type of pop-up message like simple, errors or warnings.
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.prashantsumfactor:Sumfactor-Toast:v1.0.0'
Step 3. Now use it directly in your code like
For Simple / Normal :
MyToast.simpleToast(context = this, simpleMessage = "Toast Message")
For Error toast :
MyToast.errorToast(context =this, errorMessage = "error on uploadin")
For Warning toast :
MyToast.warningToast(context =this, warningMessage = "use 'name' in upper case")
You can set toast position top/center/bottom
* By default Toast position was set to bottom e.g positionDefault
* MyToast.positionTop : for align Top
* MyToast.positionCenter : for align Center
example - MyToast.simpleToast(context = this, simpleMessage = "Toast Message", position = MyToast.positionTop)