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Android library for auto generating SQL schema and Content provider


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Android library for auto generating SQL schema and Content Provider by annotations. You will get a full-featured content provider in 5 minutes :)

This project is an eclipse plugin to generate SQL schema and Content provider by annotations for Android project. It's annotation processor so it will not add some code to your final apk. It will work during compile process

eclipse update site


To use this library in project you should install plugin to eclipse and add Annotation Library to build path(Project properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add Library).

After that you should turn on annotation preprocessing for your project on the project properties screen and select plugin in factory path section.

To use with ant you should add plugin to classpath only:

ant clean release -cp ../AnnotatedSQLProcessor.jar

The lib suppport common annotations to build tables, viewes, indexes, provider and provider query

Also plugin provides templates to create these structures.

Define scheme and provider

Root interface

Define all tables in the root interface.

@Schema(className="FSchema", dbName="football.db", dbVersion=1)
@Provider(authority="", schemaClass="FSchema", name="FProvider", openHelperClass="CustomOpenHelper")
public interface FStore {

Shema - define schema class name, db file name and version. will contain all necessary sql code. will be generated too. It will contains constants to access view/query's columns.

Provider - can use autogenerated open helper class or your own. Auto generated class doesn't have ability to upgrate db. It will drop old db an create new. So openHelperClass attribute is optional.

Define table

Use tipical annotations to define table. You can use @PrimaryKey, @Autoincrement, @NotNull, @Unique annotation to define column. Also you can add @Index or @PrimaryKey by few columns for table.

To allow access to the table over content provider use @URI to mark content path

public static interface TeamTable{
    String TABLE_NAME = "team_table";
	String CONTENT_URI = "team_table";

	@Column(type = Type.INTEGER)
	String ID = "_id";
	@Column(type = Type.TEXT)
	String TITLE = "title";
	@Column(type = Type.INTEGER)
	String CHEMP_ID = "chemp_id";

Define view

View is useful mechanism to aggregate data. You can use @Join, @RawJoin to join tables. The library support all join types: INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, CROSS

You can define selected columns from each tables if you want. Use @Columns or @IgnoreColumns to limit selected columns.

public static interface ResultView {

	@URI(type = URI.Type.DIR, onlyQuery = true)
	String URI_CONTENT = "result_view";

	String VIEW_NAME = "result_view";

	String TABLE_RESULT = "result_t";

	@Join(joinTable = TeamTable.TABLE_NAME, joinColumn = TeamTable.ID, onTableAlias = TABLE_RESULT, onColumn = ResultsTable.TEAM_ID)
	String TABLE_TEAM = "team_t";

Define raw query

Query definition is similar to view. In the query you can use @SqlQuery annotation to write raw sql.

Query will be called in content provider and you can use parameters in the body. to define parameters use '?' symbol and provide arguments in query request

public static interface LastScoreQuery{
	String QUERY_NAME = "last_score_query";
	String CONTENT_PATH = "last_score_query";
	String QUERY = "select * from " + ScoreView.VIEW_NAME + " where " + ScoreView.TABLE_SCORE + "_" + ScoreTable.IS_LAST_TOUR + " = 1";


Use @URI annotation to mark content path of entites, viewes or queries. Provider class will have a few methods to create content uri.

Important feature of the @URI - alternative notify uris. It's the list of uris which will be notified with content uri. So if we insert data to the Team table provider will notify ScoreView and ResultView uris too and UI refresh data.

public static interface TeamTable{
	String TABLE_NAME = "team_table";
	@URI(altNotify={ScoreView.CONTENT_PATH, ResultView.URI_CONTENT})
	String CONTENT_URI = "team_table";

no-notify feature

If you insert a lot data you should prevent UI update after each insert and make notify when all data is stored.

So use Provider.getNoNotifyContentUri for insert operation and Provider.notifyUri to notify UI about changes.

private static final Uri URI_TEAM_TABLE = FProvider.getNoNotifyContentUri(TeamTable.CONTENT_URI);
cr.bulkInsert(URI_TEAM_TABLE, teams.toArray(new ContentValues[teams.size()]));
FProvider.notifyUri(cr, FProvider.getContentUri(TeamTable.CONTENT_URI));

Trigger feature

if you want to call some code before or after some actions in content provider use @Trigger annotation for @URI field.

My trigger is similar to sql trigger :) Plugin will generate specific methods in provider. You should inherit autogenerated provider and override methods.

Define trigger:

public static interface User{

	@Trigger(type=Trigger.Type.INSERT, name="user", when=When.BEFORE)
	@URI(altNotify={SuggestionView.URI_CONTENT, MessageChatView.URI_CONTENT, ChatListQuery.URI_CONTENT})
	String URI_CONTENT = "user";

Inherid provider:

public class AppProvider extends AppAutoProvider {
	protected void onUserBeforeInserted(ContentValues values) {


Android library for auto generating SQL schema and Content provider







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