Peer-to-Peer botnet detection by tracking conversations
- Pratik Narang
- Subhajit Ray
- Chittaranjan Hota
PeerShark requires Python v2.7.* and Tshark installed, and has been tested only for Linux environment.
Modules to be used in the following order:
- : Take inputdir or input files from PCAPFILES. The module runs tshark on each file in inputdir and extracts the fields mention in TsharkOptions.txt such as src-ip,dst-ip, protocol, payload length. One new file is created per pcap file which contains only the fields we want for future analysis. The new files are stored in PCAPDATADIR.
usage : python
- : Take each file from PCAPDATADIR -> generate flow information -> store processed data for each file in FLOWDATADIR.
usage : python
- : Take each file from FLOWDATADIR -> merge flows into superflows based on input parameters -> store in SUPERFLOWDATADIR.
usage: python start(in hrs) increment(in hrs) end(in hrs)
Number of files generated = (end - start)/increment
One file is generated for each value of timegap ranging from start to end.
- for generating graphs
- use this file to create labelled training data set. It reads folders (not files) residing in SUPERFLOWDATADIR, and creates one labelled file (weka style minus the header) per folder (with required attributes only- no. of pkts, no. of bytes, iat, duration, label) with the folder name appended as last column.
After generating a labelled 'training dataset', supervised machine learning algorithms can be used to generate models for P2P botnet detection.