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A simple cab request application for drivers and customer. Customer can place a cab request and one of 5 drivers will pick the request if the are available.

  • Ruby version 2.1 and above

  • Rails version 5.1.4

  • System dependencies Ruby, Rails, MySQL (development), Postgres (production), node.js, redis

  • Configuration run set RAILS_ENV=production

  • Database creation edit config/database.yml file and set MySQL usename and passpord for development env and setup Postgress for production env

    run rake db:create

  • Database initialization run rake db:migrate

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.) run bundle exec sidekiq -C congig/sidekiq.yml

  • Deployment instructions Run following commands:

     cd cab_service
     bundle install
     rake db:create
     rake db:migrate
     bundle exec sidekiq
     rails s
  • Database Used

    • Engine: MySQL on local machine, Postgres on production
    • Database Name: cab_service_development, cab_service_test on development, cab_service_production on production
    • Tables:
      • cab_requests

        • Columns:
      • users (Optional. Present if Devise authentication is turned on)

        • Columns: id(integer),
  • Overview of Backed architecture

    • We have used MVC architecture of rails

    • List of Models

      • CabRequest:
        created_at, updated_at,
    • List of Controllers

      • ApplicationController (Rails default) responsible for initial handling of all requests that come to server

        enable/disable Devise user authentication by commenting out the 'authenticate_user!'' line

      • CabRequestsController

        • Methods

          index: returns drivers waitin, ongoing and complete cab requests

          create: creats a new cab request for given customer

          process_request: allocates given request to given drive if driver is available and request is not picked by other driver

      • CustomersController

        • methods

          index: renders HTML page for customer app

      • DriversController

        • methods

          index: renders HTML page for driver app

      • DashboardController

        • methods

          index: renders HTML page for dashboard app

    • List of Background Workers

      • CabRequestWorker

        perform: updates the ongoing requests as complete 5 min after request is picked by a driver and marks requests status as complete

    • We have used 'sidekiq' gem for background job processing and redis for cache and in memory database

  • List of HTML APIs

    • Customer app
     	path: "/customerapp.html",   
     	method: "GET",   
     	response: HTML page with form to fill customer id and send cab request.  
    • Driver app
     	path: "driverapp.html?id={driver_id}",   
     	method: "GET",   
     	params: {id: driver_id}, // required params. if not present error message page will be sent wth status code 200,  
     	response: HTML page listing driver's waiting, ongoing and complete cab requests. Driver can select waiting rides if he is available. Button to asynchronously refresh the lists.  
    • Dashboard app
    	path: "/dashboard.html",   
    	method: "GET",  
    	response: HTML page listing all cab requests with thier id, time of request, time elapsed and status.  
  • List of JSON APIs

    • Cab Requests API

      • Get cab requests // Client Facing
     	path: "/api/one/cab_requests.json",   
     	method: "GET",   
     	params: {driver_id: driver_id},    // optional params. if not present response will only have array of waiting requests. If present, response will also have drives ongoing cab requests and completed requests.  
     	response: 	{
     					waiting_requests: [
     							id: 2,   
     							customer_id: 2,   
     							driver_id: null,   
     							status: "waiting",   
     							created_at: "2017-12-22 04:07:08 UTC",  
     							updated_At: "2017-12-22 04:07:08 UTC". 
     					ongoing_requests: [
     							id: 1,   
     							customer_id: 1,   
     							driver_id: {driver_id},   
     							status: "ongoing",   
     							created_at: "2017-12-22 04:07:08 UTC",   
     							updated_At: "2017-12-22 04:07:08 UTC".  	
     					complete_requests: [
     							id: 3,   
     							customer_id: 3,   
     							driver_id: {driver_id},   
     							status: "complete",   
     							created_at: "2017-12-22 04:07:08 UTC",   
     							updated_At: "2017-12-22 04:07:08 UTC"	
     	status: 200 OK.  
      * Create cab requests // Customer Facing
     	path: "/api/one/cab_requests"	 		
     	method: "POST",   
     	params: {customer_id: customer_id}, // required params, if not present server will send status 500 response,   
     	resonpse: 	{message: created, cab_request_id:}, status: 200 OK if created succesfully,    
     				{message: failed, reason: resoan_for_failure}, status: 500 if failed to create cab request,   
      * Select cab requests // Driver Facing
     	path: "api/one/cab_request/{:id}/process_request",   
     	method: "POST",   
     	params: {driver_id: driver_id},    // required_params, if not present server will send error message.  
     	response: 	{			
     					message: selected.  // if cab request is allocated to driver if he is free and given request is still waiting. Else error message will be sent.  
     				status: 200 OK,   
     					message: failed, reason: "already serving one cab request" // if driver is not available because he has an ongoing ride\request is    
     				status: 500,   
     					message: failed, reason: "“request no longer available" // if cab request is not available because it has been picked by other driver.  
     				status: 500.  


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