Python APRS/OGN program to log flight times, durations and maximum heights achieved
This python program creates an SQlite db of flights from a given location and aircraft list (the later two parameters are to be be developed into a more generalised format).
At the moment this is very much 'in development'
To install OGN Flight Logger the following prerequisites are required
- python-tz
- sqlite3
- libfap (Note this is the "C" library libfap, not the python module
- ephem
To run flogger first set up the parameters in then call ''. will run continuously (perhaps it should be a 'service'?) logging flights during day, ie between sunrise and sunset. After sunset it processes the days log to determine which log entries constitute actual flights and those which are ground movements etc. Once all the flights have been generated into the 'flights' table flogger determines when the next sunrise time and sleeps until then, ie waits.
If installing on an arm based system this can be achieved by:
sudo apt-get install python-tz sqlite3
sudo dpkg -i libfap*.deb
sudo apt-get install pythonX-dev where X is version of python being used
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install pyephem