Pokedexelus is an application that allows users to search for Pokemon, view information about specific Pokemon, and add Pokemon to their favorites list.
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/priscilla-codes/pokedexelus.git
# Install the required dependencies
cd pokedexelus
npm install
# Start the application
npm start
The home page displays a search box where users can enter the name of a Pokemon to search for. Users can also click on the "Favorites" link to view their favorite Pokemon.
After entering a search query, the search results page will display a list of Pokemon matching the search query. Users can click on a Pokemon to view more information about it.
The Pokemon details page displays detailed information about a specific Pokemon, including its name, height, weight, and experience. Users can also add the Pokemon to their favorites list by clicking the heart icon.
The favorites page displays a list of the user's favorite Pokemon. Users can click on a Pokemon to view its details or remove it from their favorites list.
- Pokedexelus is built using React.js and the PokeAPI
- Data is fetched from the PokeAPI using Axios
- The app is divided into several components, each responsible for a specific part of the UI
- Styling is done using styled components
- The app uses React Router for navigation between pages