Member Management Panel is a full-stack application designed for Long Term Care members to manage their own medical related services, including medication list, medical appointment and transportation to the appointment, by registering and/or logging in to member's account.
Link to website demo video:
Tech used: HTML, CSS, bootstrap, Javascript, fetch, Java, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Maven.
(1). Register an account for this application, and log in with the account. User goes to the dashboard page with options for medication list and medical appointments.
The page has greetings and log out option to the top.
(2). a. Click "Medication List" picture, directs to the page shows all medicine that the user is taking. User and add, edit and delete medication if needed.
(2). b. Click "Medical Appointment" picture, directs to the page shows all scheduled appointments. User and add and delete any appointments if needed.
(3). Under every card of appointment, click "transportation" button, directs to new tap with transportation service for that specific appointment. User can add or delete transportation.
I would like to add a feature to throw an exemption handler for the login function, for username not exist and password incorrect. For further development, add another exemption handler for creating a password, including password must contain at least one Capital letter, etc.
I learned Java and how to build backend using DAO design pattern. I learned to add put method using fetch (last time I use axios).
Take a look at these couple examples that I have in my own portfolio:
Birthday Deals Application:
My NASA API Project:
Grocery List Application: