UDP server for "Digoo DG-EX001" and MQTT integration
Based on reverse engineering done by Mr Łukasz Kalamłacki: http://kalamlacki.eu/sp73.php and further detailed by @matjon https://github.com/matjon/em3371-controller/blob/main/Documentation/device_protocol.md
Should work with any EMAX EM3371 rebranded weasther station
- Listens for UDP packets from the Digoo unit (Sent via DNS override of the default SMARTSERVER.EMAXTIME.CN server address)
- it can be overridden in the Digoo unit's web settings as well
- Deciphers data and displays to screen via terminal
- Dockerfile to build the service that transfers data from the Digoo to the (HAs) MQTT
- Removed all files that weren't necessary to run the translator
docker build . -t digoo
docker run -v :/settings.yaml -p 17000:17000 digoo
Note: update the settings.yaml before usage