Releases: probml/dynamax
Dynamax 1.0
The first official release of Dynamax coincides with the publication of the corresponding JOSS paper. For a discussion of the improvements made during the review process, see this issue: openjournals/joss-reviews#7069.
Dynamax 0.1.9
This release contains the updates we pushed for our response to JOSS reviewers.
See this issue for a discussion of the changes: openjournals/joss-reviews#7069
Dynamax 0.1.8
Using updated workflow to push to pypi.
Dynamax 0.1.5
This release pins numpy < 2.0 and includes a few bug fixes in the test code.
Dynamax 0.1.4
This release incorporates PR 342 for parallel HMM sampling.
Dynamax 0.1.3
Incorporating some minor code changes to be compatible with latest jax releases. (E.g., jax 0.4.24 no longer has row_stack
Dynamax 0.1.2
Adds support for LGSSMs with diagonal noise covariance as well as better PSD solve.
Dynamax 0.1.1
Incorporating changes and bug-fixes. Some of the many changes since Nov 2022 are:
- support for callable parameters for LGSSM
- refactoring some of the EKF code
- parallel inference and sampling updates for HMM and LGSSM
- gamma HMM
Dynamax 0.1.0
First release!
Dynamax 0.0.6
One last pre-release before the official launch!