LearnDocker can be used to provide practical training on Linux, Docker and Kubernetes. It creates a Docker in Docker (DIND) container and provides a shell to the container in the browser. The container has Docker and K3S installed.
Note: The project is in active development. It is in the initial and stage and many more interactive features will be added to it soon.
docker build . -t productiveops/learndocker
docker run --privileged -p 8080:8080 -v learndocker-overlay:/var/lib/docker/overlay2 -v learndocker-images:/var/lib/docker/image --name learndocker productiveops/learndocker
Note: This is meant to be run on your local system for education purpose. The container is run with --privileged flag so avoid running it on servers.
After you run the container open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
The MIT License