Lecture Material [pdf] [markdown]
Lecture Files
Lecture Scripts
To download all files and scripts, run this command:
git clone https://github.com/prog4biol/evop2019.git
- Python for EVOP 2019
- Why Python?
- Why Script?
- Teaching Format
- Installing Python
- Python References * Books * Websites * Practice
- Python Overview
- Running Python
- Syntax
- Data Types and Variables
- Operators
- Truth
- Logic: Control Statements
- Numbers
- Comparing two numbers
- Sequences
- Loops
- Dictionaries
- Sets
- I/O and Files
- Regular Expressions
- Individual Characters
- Character Classes
- Anchors
- Quantifiers
- Variables and Patterns
- Either Or
- Subpatterns
- Using Subpatterns Inside the Regular Expression Match
- Using Subpatterns Outside the Regular Expression
- Get position of the subpattern with finditer()
- Subpatterns and Greediness
- Practical Example: Codons
- Truth and Regular Expression Matches
- Using Regular expressions in substitutions
- Using subpatterns in the replacement
- Regular Expression Option Modifiers
- Basic FASTA Parser
- Functions
- Scope
- Data Structures
- Pipelines
- Biopython
- What is biopython?
- Installing Biopython
- Biopython documentation
- Working with DNA and protein sequences
- From ... import ...
- Bio.Alphabets
- Extracting a subsequence
- Read a FASTA file
- Convert fasta file to python dictionary in one line
- Seq methods
- SeqRecord objects
- Retrieving annotations from GenBank file
- File Format Conversions
- Parsing BLAST output
- There are many other uses for Biopython
- Why use biopython
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