Highly opinionated gradle plugin to start (Up), pause (Stop), and delete (Down) a dockerized database.
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buildscript() {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath group: 'com.aries', name: 'gradle-docker-databases-plugin', version: 'X.Y.Z'
apply plugin: 'gradle-docker-databases-plugin'
Being based upon the gradle-docker-applications-plugin the intent is to create pre-defined dockerized database application(s) for developers to use as they see fit. Be it for desktop use, in a CICD pipeline, or for an arbitrary devops usecase you can easily manage (and customize should the need arise) a dockerized database with a handful of tasks.
The below table lists the currently supported databases and their default connection details.
Type | Name | Username/Password | Tasks |
postgres | postgres | postgres/postgres | postgresUp, postgresStop, postgresDown |
sqlserver | master | SA/Passw0rd | sqlserverUp, sqlserverStop, sqlserverDown |
oracle | xe | system/oracle | oracleUp, oracleStop, oracleDown |
db2 | DB2 | db2inst1/db2inst1 | db2Up, db2Stop, db2Down |