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project-owner edited this page Oct 16, 2018 · 3 revisions

The easiest way to use the plugin is to deploy binary and configuration files fetched from GitHub. First, clone the plugin repository on your computer:

git clone

Let's assume that the cloning command was executed in folder /home/pi. The command creates the folder /home/pi/peppyalsa.

Copy plugin library /home/pi/peppyalsa/libs/ to the folder /usr/local/lib:

sudo cp /home/pi/peppyalsa/libs/ /usr/local/lib/

Copy the default ALSA configuration file asound.conf to the /etc folder:

sudo cp /home/pi/peppyalsa/alsa-config/asound.conf /etc

That's it. After completing these steps you can start using peppyalsa plugin for example by running any audio player:

aplay -D peppyalsa /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Side_Left.wav

The plugin will send VU Meter signal to the named pipe with default name /home/pi/myfifo. The name can be changed in the plugin settings in ALSA configuration file asound.conf.

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