Light and easy output in tree library.
└── Light and easy
npm: npm install @prostojs/tree
Via CDN:
<script src=""></script>
const { ProstoTree } = require('@prostojs/tree')
const tree = new ProstoTree()
label: 'root node',
children: [
{ label: 'node with label' },
'some node',
label: 'big',
children: [
{ label: 'nested', children: ['deep', 'deep2'] },
'nested ends',
const options = {
label: '<name of prop with label>',
children: '<name of prop with array of children>',
renderLabel: (node) => '<render the node content yourself>',
branchWidth: 2, // the horizontal length of branch tail
branches: {
vLine: '│', // vertical line character
hLine: '─', // horizontal line character (repeated <branchWidth> times)
end: '└', // ending branch character
middle: '├', // middle branch character
const tree = new ProstoTree(options)
// render tree to string
const stringResult = tree.render(/* tree, renderOptions? */)
// console.log tree
tree.print(/* tree, renderOptions? */)
const renderOptions = {
// limits the output to go as deep as the
// level value
level: 3,
// limits the output count of direct children
// nodes upto the childrenLimit value
childrenLimit: 5,
// when showLast === true the first items
// over the limit will be hidden
// when showLast === false the last items
// over the limit will be hidden
showLast: true,