Scripts for IT Admins for standalone use or from within RMM or other management tools such as Intune, ConnectWise Automate or NinjaRMM.
In general these scripts are Windows focussed hence mostly Powershell.
If you find this useful and would like me to continue working on it please or Sponsor this project.
No secrets in the repository No passwords, keys, secrets of any sort. Nothing should be sensitive. Use parameters instead!
No PC, client or user information Try not to use PC names, client names, or specific detail related to clients or users in scripts. Make the usage generic or use parameters if possible!
The preference is all scripts are:
- Powershell for Windows (.ps1)
- Bash for MacOS (.bash)
Windows Command (.bat) files are also acceptible.
All Code should include a Synopsis block
See the Synopsis template here
Using Scripts in ConnectWise Automate
See License
This started as a private repo for my own use with code from my own snippets and previous jobs. I'm sure 50% of this code has been copied from StackExchange or GitHub then rehashed. Thanks to everyone who continue to share.
Thanks to James Maclean for at least one script and previous help! Send me more James.
If there is something not correctly atrributed then please let me know and I'll fix it.