A full-stack todo app with:
- c++ backend (leveldb + uWebSockets) with java (jni) stored procs
- dart (flutter) mobile frontend (todo-dart) available here
- typescript (vuets) web frontend (todo-ts) available here
- c++ (nana) desktop frontend (todo-cpp)
The frontends above connect to the same rpc endpoint
The web and mobile apps have the same swipe/mouse semantics. Swipe horizontally to nagivate the pages (paginate). Long-press the item to update.
The web and desktop apps have the same keyboard shortcuts.
Desktop-standalone (client+server+jre) downloads:
- jdk7
- jdk7 (at /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle)
- maven
- protostuffdb (downloaded below)
mkdir -p target/data/main
echo "Your data lives in user/ dir. Feel free to back it up." > target/data/main/README.txt
# download protostuffdb
yarn add [email protected] && mv node_modules/protostuffdb/dist/* target/ && rm -f package.json yarn.lock && rm -r node_modules
wget -O target/fbsgen-ds.jar https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/dyuproject/fbsgen/ds/fbsgen-ds-fatjar/1.0.17/fbsgen-ds-fatjar-1.0.17.jar
mvn install
To build the c++ desktop frontend, visit todo-cpp/README.md
To build the dart mobile frontend, visit todo-dart/README.md
cd todo-ts
yarn install
# build css
yarn run ns.b
# produces a single jar the first time (todo-all/target/todo-all-jarjar.jar)
# on another terminal
cd todo-ts
# serves the ui via http://localhost:8080/
yarn run dev
If run.sh
is still running, stop that process (ctrl+c)
cd todo-ts
# produces a single js and other assets in todo-ts/dist/
yarn run build
# finally, run your production app
nw .
# or
node chrome-app.js
ps_mem.py -p 14073
Private + Shared = RAM used Program
7.5 MiB + 544.0 KiB = 8.0 MiB todo
8.0 MiB
ps_mem.py -p 13930
Private + Shared = RAM used Program
7.1 MiB + 362.5 KiB = 7.4 MiB todo-pdb
7.4 MiB
ps_mem.py -p 13934
Private + Shared = RAM used Program
30.2 MiB + 387.0 KiB = 30.6 MiB protostuffdb-rjre
30.6 MiB
ps_mem.py -p 13497
Private + Shared = RAM used Program
37.0 MiB + 8.3 MiB = 45.3 MiB nw
45.3 MiB
ps_mem.py -p 13499
Private + Shared = RAM used Program
392.0 KiB + 7.6 MiB = 8.0 MiB nw
8.0 MiB
ps_mem.py -p 13532
Private + Shared = RAM used Program
48.1 MiB + 6.1 MiB = 54.2 MiB nw
54.2 MiB
- engine version: ed303c628fe4b322529f8cf01ecb38135a2bab73 (2018-04-10)
- build type: host_release (optimized)
ps_mem.py -p 12136
Private + Shared = RAM used Program
105.3 MiB + 1.4 MiB = 106.7 MiB run
106.7 MiB
The most basic example app from flutter consumes 100mb