Credits: The encryption and proof logic is heavily inspired by the Adder Voting System.
- Java 8
- Maven
- Install the Java Cryptography Extension available at
- Put them into the appropriate directory (overwrite if already existing) as described at You may get an exception
Caused by: Illegal key size or default parameters
- Clone this repo and cd into it:
git clone [email protected]:provotum/security.git && cd security
- Run
mvn clean install
to install the application and run the corresponding tests
This interface ensures the signature for all implementations of a particular kind of homomorphic encryption. As a generic parameter, it requires the kind of ciphertext it operates on.IHomomorphicCipherText
Homomorphic cipher texts allow to operate on each other, abstracting the concrete mathematical details from the caller. It requires a concrete ciphertext as generic parameter.IMembershipProof
The interface for a membership proof requires a class implementing \texttt{IHomomorphicCiphertext} as generic parameter, restricting the classes it is able to generate proofs for.
ElGamal additive Ciphertext
: An exponential ElGamal homomorphic ciphertext in the form of
E(m) = (g^r, h^r * g^m), with
g = generator
m = message</li>
h = g^x i.e. the public key whereas x = private key
r = [0, q-1]
which operates in an additive manner over the encrypted plaintexts:
E(m1) * E(m2) = (g^(r1+r2), h^(r1+r2) * g^(m1+m2))
= E(m1 + m2)
ElGamal Encryption
The encryption and decryption component for the above documented ciphertext.Non-interactive Membership Proof
The non-interactive membership proof allowing to prove that a certain ElGamal ciphertext actually contains a particular cleartext value.