Map request on your DTO object with zero configuration.
composer require prugala/symfony-request-dto
- Content data
- Form-data
- Query parameters
- Uploaded files
- Headers
- Configurable normalizers and encoders
- Create a DTO that implements the interface
- Use your DTO in a Controller e.g.:
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Controller; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse; use App\Dto\ExampleDto; class ExampleController { public function update(ExampleDto $dto): JsonResponse { return new JsonResponse($dto); } }
- Done, your JSON (other data are on TODO list) will be mapped on your object
Bundle has support for uploaded files.
#[Assert\File(maxSize: 1000, mimeTypes: 'text/plain')]
public ?UploadedFile $exampleFile = null;
Send request with form-data with field exampleFile
and you will have access to your file in object property.
You can use symfony/validator to validate request.
If you provide invalid data you will get response 400 with json object with violation list.
- Create DTO with constraint:
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Dto; use Prugala\RequestDto\Dto\RequestDtoInterface; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert; class ExampleDto implements RequestDtoInterface { public string $name; #[Assert\Range(min: 2, max: 10)] public int $position; }
- Call your action with JSON object:
{ "name": "test", "position": 1 }
- You get response 400 with JSON:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "This value should be between 2 and 10.", "code": "04b91c99-a946-4221-afc5-e65ebac401eb", "context": { "field": "position" } } ] }
If you want to change response format, overwrite method formatErrors
in listener Prugala\RequestDto\EventListener\RequestValidationExceptionListener
composer tests
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