I am providing a simple integration for Mozzi.
A standard Sketch will need to combine the Audio-Tools with the Mozzi Logic:
#include "AudioTools.h"
#include "AudioA2DP.h"
#include "AudioMozzi.h"
// Mozzi includes
// ....
using namespace audio_tools;
// Audio Tools
MozziGenerator mozzi(CONTROL_RATE); // subclass of SoundGenerator
GeneratedSoundStream<int16_t> in(mozzi, 2); // Stream with 2 channels generated with mozzi
A2DPStream out = A2DPStream::instance() ; // A2DP input - A2DPStream is a singleton!
StreamCopy copier(out, in); // copy in to out
As you can see above you can add the MozziGenerator like any other Generator to the GeneratedSoundStream class. In the setup you need to combine the Audio-Tools setup and then call the Mozzi specific setup functions. Replace the startMozzi() with our GeneratedSoundStream.begin():
void setup(){
if (mozzi.config().sample_rate!=44100){
Serial.println("Please set the AUDIO_RATE in the mozzi_config.h to 44100");
// We send the generated sound via A2DP - so we conect to the MyMusic Bluetooth Speaker
out.begin(TX_MODE, "MyMusic");
Serial.println("A2DP is connected now...");
// Add your Mozzi setup here
// ...
Like in any other Mozzi Sketch you need to define the updateControl()
// Mozzi updateControl
void updateControl(){
And like in any other Mozzi Sketch you need to define the updateAudio()
// Mozzi updateAudio
AudioOutput_t updateAudio(){
In the loop you need to replace the audioHook() with your copy logic:
// Arduino loop
void loop() {
if (out)
A2DP requires an audio rate of 44100. Therefore you need to make sure that you have the following settings in your mozzi_config.h
#define AUDIO_RATE 44100
That's all to output the generated sound to a Bluetooth Speaker...