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Arduino Audio Tools

Some basic header-only C++ classes that can be used for Audio Processing provided as Arduino Library:

  • a simple I2S class (to read and write to the internal I2S)
  • a simple ADC class (to read analog data with the help of I2S)
  • a simple PWM class (to write audio data with the help of PWM)
  • Additional Stream implementations: MemoryStream, URLStream, I2SStream, A2DPStream, PrintStream,
  • Converters
  • Musical Notes (with frequencies of notes)
  • SineWaveGenerator (to generate a sine tone) and Mozzi for more complex scenario
  • NBuffer (Multi buffer for writing and reading of (audio) data)
  • TimerAlarmRepeating (e.g. for sampling audio data using exact times) [ESP32 only]
  • A Wav Encoder and Decoder
  • AudioOutputWithCallback class to provide callback integration e.g. with ESP8266Audio

This functionality provides the glue which makes different audio processing components and libraries work together. We also provide plenty of examples that demonstrate how to implement the different scenarios. The design philosophy is based on the Arduino conventions: we use the begin() and end() methods to start and stop the processing and we propagate the use of Streams. We all know the Arduino Streams: We usually use them to write out print messages and sometimes we use them to read the output from Serial devices. The same thing applies to “Audio Streams”: You can read audio data from “Audio Sources” and you write them to “Audio Sinks”.

As “Audio Sources” we will have e.g.:

As “Audio Sinks” we will have e.g:

Here is an simple example which streams a file from the Flash Memory and writes it to I2S:

#include "AudioTools.h"
#include "StarWars30.h"

using namespace audio_tools;  

uint8_t channels = 2;
uint16_t sample_rate = 22050;

MemoryStream music(StarWars30_raw, StarWars30_raw_len);
I2SStream i2s;  // Output to I2S
StreamCopyT<int16_t> copier(i2s, music); // copies sound into i2s

void setup(){

    I2SConfig config = i2s.defaultConfig(TX_MODE);
    config.sample_rate = sample_rate;
    config.channels = channels;
    config.bits_per_sample = 16;

void loop(){
    if (!copier.copy2()){

A complete list of the supported Audio Stream classes and scenarios can be found in the Scenarios Document

Sound Output

  • I2SStream: The best quality can be achieved with the help of I2S and an external DAC. I2S is supporting 2 channels only.
  • AnalogAudioStream: Some processors are providing an analog output, this is usually an easy and good approach: The number of pins (and herewith output channels) however is usually very limited.
  • PWMAudioStream: The last possibility is to simulate an analog output with the help of PWM by using a frequency which is beyond the audible range of 20 KHz. This method is supported by all processors and usually supports a bigger number of output pins. In terms of audio quality this is usually the worst option.


The examples follow the following naming convention: "scenario type"-"source"-"destination". For the scenario types we might have base (using basic api functionality), stream for examples using Streams and test for the test cases.

For the source we currently have adc for analog input devices like analog microphones, i2s for digital input devices (e.g. digital microphones), file for SD files and a2dp for input from Bluetooth A2DP (e.g. from a Mobile Phone).

For the destination we use dac for analog output (e.g. to an amplifier), i2s for digital output devices (e.g. an external DAC), file for SD files and a2dp for output to Bluetooth A2DP (e.g. a Bluetooth Speaker).

Here is the list of examples:

Stream API

Here are a couple of simple test sketches to demo different output destinations:

And some more useful examples:

... these are just a few examples, but you can combine any Input Stream with any Output Stream as you like...

Basic API

Listening to the Result with a Webbrowser

I am also providing a simple webserver which can render the audio data as wav result. Here are some examples:


The application uses a built in logger (see AudioLogger.h and AudioConfig.h). You can e.g. deactivate the logging by changing USE_AUDIO_LOGGING to false in the AudioConfig.h:

#define USE_AUDIO_LOGGING false
#define LOG_LEVEL AudioLogger::Warning
#define LOG_STREAM Serial

Per default we use the log level warning and the logging output is going to Serial. You can also change this in your sketch by calling AudioLogger begin with the output stream and the log level e.g:

AudioLogger::instance().begin(Serial, AudioLogger::Debug);

Optional Libraries

Dependent on the example you might need to install some of the following libraries:


You can download the library as zip and call include Library -> zip library. Or you can git clone this project into the Arduino libraries folder e.g. with

cd  ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries
git clone pschatzmann/arduino-audio-tools.git


Here is the generated Class documentation.

You also might find further information in one of my blogs

Project Status

This is currently work in progress:

Functionality Status
Analog input - ADC tested
I2S tested
Files (RAW, MP3...) tested
Streams tested
WAV encoding/deconding tested
AAC encoding/deconding open
int24_t tested