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Holdings and Availability for Bound Withs

Banu Hapeloglu Kutlu edited this page Jul 19, 2019 · 9 revisions

In order to get Bound-With records, the parameter: &includeBoundTogether=true must be added to a WebServices call. Expected results:

  • If there are no bound-withs, the response will simply end with: <numberOfBoundwithLinks>0</numberOfBoundwithLinks>
  • If there are bound-withs, the field will contain the number of parents to expect.

numberOfBoundwithLinks should be tested to determine whether bound-withs need to be processed.

Identifying Parent Items

In Holdings and Availability for bound-withs, all we need to display is the parent record's holdings/availability. We should also display the parent's title, so that the patron can verify they've found the correct book on the shelf. This is an example of how a simple bound-with looks in the current cat: Below the availability item, it displays the text: (Bound in: Decennial census data for selected health occupation : United States 1980 / G. Gloria Kapantais./Kapantais, Gloria Hollis. )

All parent items will have the field <linkedAsParent>true</linkedAsParent> and all non-parent items will have <linkedAsParent>false</linkedAsParent>. The following is an example of the BoundwithLinkInfo response:

  <callNumber>HE 20.6209:14/31-14/34</callNumber>
      <title>Decennial census data for selected health occupation : United States
      <author>Kapantais, Gloria Hollis.</author>

When the Record is for the Parent

In some cases, the record will be for the parent item. 1006984 is only a parent. 2679972 is both a parent and a child. Therefore, a test must be added to avoid recursion:

  • If the BoundwithLinkInfo/linkedTitle/titleID is the same as TitleInfo/titleID, then that particular linkedTitle should be skipped.
  • If it is the only linkedTitle where linkedAsParent == true, then no more processing need be done. However, some may be both parents and children, e.g. 2679972.

Retrieving the Parent's Item Info

To get the parent's item info, example:

Note that this call uses itemID and doesn't include bound togethers.

  • Find ItemInfo WHERE BoundwithLinkInfo/itemID == TitleInfo/CallInfo/ItemInfo/itemID
  • Retrieve values for: itemTypeID, currentLocationID

Sample Data

Hypothetical result for 1006921:

Call Number Material Location
HE 20.6209:14/31-14/34 bound in Decennial census data for selected health occupation : United States 1980 get from parent, itemID = 000015871787 get from parent, itemID = 000015871787
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Pattee Library and Paterno Library Stacks
            <callNumber>HE 20.6209:14/32</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HE 20.6209:14/31-14/34</callNumber>
                <title>Decennial census data for selected health occupation : United States
                <author>Kapantais, Gloria Hollis.</author>

Parent 1006984:

Call Number Material Location
HE 20.6209:14/31-14/34 BOOK DOC-US

this is an example for where the only linkedAsParent = true item is the item we're already talking about.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Pattee Library and Paterno Library Stacks
            <callNumber>HE 20.6209:14/31-14/34</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HE 20.6209:14/31-14/34</callNumber>
                <title>Decennial census data for selected health occupation : United States
                <author>Kapantais, Gloria Hollis.</author>

53953 is both parent and child and has two parents:

Call Number Material Location
AP3.M33 no.1-45, 1710-12 MICROFORM CATO-2
Microfilm E290 reel.1065 bound in The Hermit, or, A view of the world, by a person retir'd from it get from parent, itemID = 000053560735 get from parent, itemID = 000053560735
AN502.L66M63 bound in The moderator [microform] get from parent, itemID = 000063670073 get from parent, itemID = 000063670073
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Special Collections Library
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Annex (UP)</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <callNumber>AP3.M33 no.1-45, 1710-12</callNumber>
            <callNumber>Microfilm E290 reel.1065</callNumber>
                <title>The Hermit, or, A view of the world, by a person retir'd from it</title>
                <title>The moderator [microform]</title>
                <author>Moderator (London, England : 1710)</author>

2679972 ( has 3 parents and one child: 79172 ) - also see next response

Call Number Material Location
HE1031.R43 v.30 bound in Charter and by-laws of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia get from parent, itemID = 000051942007 get from parent, itemID = 000051942007
HE1031.R43 v.39 bound in Speech of Hon. John M. Read, at the regular quarterly meeting of the Joint Board of Directors of the United Delaware and Raritan Canal Company, Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company, and New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Company : held at Trenton on Thursday, April 20, 1871 get from parent, itemID = 000051976538 get from parent, itemID = 000051976538
HE1031.R43 v.45 bound in Report of the Western Penitentiary for the year get from parent, itemID = 000051976934 get from parent, itemID = 000051976934

note that one of the responses in this is its own parent response, which we disregard in the results above.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Special Collections Library
            <callNumber>HE1031.R43 v.20</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HE2791 .P5802 P45 1855</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HE1031.R43 v.20</callNumber>
                <title>The charter, acts and supplements relating to the Philadelphia and Trenton
                    Railroad Company</title>
                <author>Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company.</author>
            <callNumber>HE1031.R43 v.30</callNumber>
                <title>Charter and by-laws of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia</title>
                <author>Church of the Holy Trinity (Philadelphia, Pa. : Episcopal)</author>
         <callNumber>HE1031.R43 v.39</callNumber>
             <title>Speech of Hon. John M. Read, at the regular quarterly meeting of the Joint
                 Board of Directors of the United Delaware and Raritan Canal Company, Camden and
                 Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company, and New Jersey Railroad and
                 Transportation Company : held at Trenton on Thursday, April 20, 1871</title>
             <author>Read, John M. (John Meredith), 1797-1874.</author>
            <callNumber>HE1031.R43 v.45</callNumber>
                <title>Report of the Western Penitentiary for the year</title>
                <author>State Penitentiary for the Western District of Pennsylvania.</author>

79172 ( also has 3 parents - one parent is 2679972 )

Call Number Material Location
HV1796.P3 11th 1844 SERIAL RARE-BOOK
HV1796.P3 20th 1853 SERIAL RARE-BOOK
HV1796.P3 22nd 1855 SERIAL RARE-BOOK
HV1796.P3 39th 1871 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 85th 1917 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 93d 1925 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 94th 1926 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 116th 1947/48 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 117th 1948/49 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 118th 1949/50 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 119th 1950/51 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 120th 1951/52 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 121st 1952/53 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 122d 1953/54 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 123d 1954/55 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 124th 1955/56 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 125th 1956/57 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 126th 1957/58 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 127th 1958/59 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 128th 1959/60 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 135th 1966/67 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 136th 1967/68 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 137th 1968/69 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HV1796.P3 138th 1969/70 SERIAL CATO-PARK
HE1031.R43 v.20 bound in The charter, acts and supplements relating to the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company get from parent, itemID = 000051903985 get from parent, itemID = 000051903985
HE1031.R43 v.50 bound in The federal judiciary : a Thanksgiving discourse get from parent, itemID = 000051979331 get from parent, itemID = 000051979331
HE1031.R43 v.59 bound in The Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road Company and the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company vs. the Catawissa Rail Road Company and the Western Central Rail Road Company of Pennsylvania, and the Atlantic and Great Western Railway Company of the States of Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania : Andrew Scott vs. the same get from parent, itemID = 000051974961 get from parent, itemID = 000051974961
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<LookupTitleInfoResponse xmlns="">
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Special Collections Library
            <libraryWithAvailableCopies>Annex (UP)</libraryWithAvailableCopies>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 11th 1844</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 20th 1853</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 22nd 1855</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 39th 1871</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 85th 1917</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 93d 1925</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 94th 1926</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 116th 1947/48</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 117th 1948/49</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 118th 1949/50</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 119th 1950/51</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 120th 1951/52</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 121st 1952/53</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 122d 1953/54</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 123d 1954/55</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 124th 1955/56</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 125th 1956/57</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 126th 1957/58</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 127th 1958/59</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 128th 1959/60</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 135th 1966/67</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 136th 1967/68</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 137th 1968/69</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HV1796.P3 138th 1969/70</callNumber>
            <callNumber>HE1031.R43 v.20</callNumber>
                <title>The charter, acts and supplements relating to the Philadelphia and Trenton
                    Railroad Company</title>
                <author>Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company.</author>
            <callNumber>HE1031.R43 v.50</callNumber>
                <title>The federal judiciary : a Thanksgiving discourse</title>
                <author>Boardman, Henry A. (Henry Augustus), 1808-1880.</author>
            <callNumber>HE1031.R43 v.59</callNumber>
                <title>The Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road Company and the Pennsylvania Rail Road
                    Company vs. the Catawissa Rail Road Company and the Western Central Rail Road
                    Company of Pennsylvania, and the Atlantic and Great Western Railway Company of
                    the States of Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania : Andrew Scott vs. the
                <author>Pennsylvania. Supreme Court.</author>
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