released this
22 Apr 18:27
1795 commits
to master
since this release
- Fixed: Fix the color scheme for the Pro plugin, #411;
- Fixed: Fix the links style for the boxed and centered layouts, #414;
- Fixed: Hide the core author field in the post edit pages and add field to set a user as author if a post has only guest authors, #344;
- Fixed: Fix relationship between post and author if not existent when running the function "get_multiple_authors". It fallbacks to the current post author, creating the Author term and relationship with the post, #396;
- Fixed: Fix the CLI subcommand list-posts-without-terms adding support for the following arguments: [--post_type=] [--posts_per_page=] [--paged=] [--order=] [--orederby=], #415;
- Fixed: Fix the CLI subcommand create-terms-for-posts adding support for the following arguments: [--post_type=] [--posts_per_page=] [--paged=], #415;
- Changed: Temporarily disabled the CLI subcommands: update-author-terms, assign-coauthors, assign-user-to-coauthor, reassign-terms, rename-coauthor, swap-coauthors, remove-terms-from-revisions, #415;