Added: Added support to PublishPress Authors (requires at least 3.3.1), #610 , #614 ;
Added: Added the user email to the notifications log entries and details popup, #602 ;
Added: Added option to choose which statuses can show the time in the calendar, #607 ;
Added: Added option to select custom publish time in the calendar for all post statuses, #554 ;
Added: Added "read only" label to calendar items you can't edit, #608 , #615 ;
Changed: Removed debug statements from the Custom Status module;
Fixed: PHP error related to the undefined "current_datetime" function;
Fixed: Ajax calls are saying the Notification Workflow post type is not registered, #601 ;
Fixed: Removed the selection from the calendar to avoid messing up with the drag-and-drop;
Fixed: Added visual feedback and error messages when errors happens while dragging and dropping items in the calendar, #609 ;
Fixed: Fixed compatibility with PHP < 7.3 removing the call to the function "array_key_first";
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