Use Apache POI to generator Microsoft Word based on given template and java POJO object Since the Word document is very complex for me, this project only provide very simple and very limited function.
All below example can be found from src/test
First create your Microsoft Word template, must be a docx file, like below.
Then creat the java POJO object
public class Car {
private String model;
private String price;
private LocalDate boughtAt;
// Mandatory Getter method omitted here
public class Person {
private String name;
private List<Car> cars;
// Mandatory Getter method omitted here except below one
public Integer getTotalCount() { return cars == null ? 0 : cars.size(); }
Now, run the code
Person bob = getDetailsForBob(); // the POJO contain the infos
MSWordExporter exporter = new MSWordExporter(templatePath); // The template file path is the only paramter
exporter.exportTo(bob, outputFilePath); // start generat based on the template
Finally, the generated doc like below:
In this example, we have a table which need repeat based on the data provided, also text and cell has some simple styles. Additionally the doc template contains header and footer. Like below:
The POJO, more details refer to src/test/java/puhao/simple/msword/generator/example/people/
public class TestPeople {
private String name;
private String sex;
private int age;
private List<TestPeople> children = new ArrayList<>();
// normal getter method omitted here, except below special one
// Property is not mandatory, every variable in template will
// map to a getter method.
// Like in this POJO, it do not have a property with name 'headerName'
// but we can still use ${headerName} in the template since it can
// find the getHeaderName() method.
public String getHeaderName(){return "This is header:" +; }
public String getFooterUnicodeText(){return "这里是页脚:" +;}
public List<String> getNoChildFlag(){
if(this.children.size() == 0){
return Arrays.asList("just a flag");
return new ArrayList<>(0);
public String toString() {
return name + ", " + sex + ", " + age + "岁, "+(children.size() == 0 ? ("没有孩子"):("有"+children.size()+"个孩子"));
Now, run the code
TestPeople people = getPeople(); // the POJO contain the infos
MSWordExporter exporter = new MSWordExporter(templatePath); // The template file path is the only paramter
exporter.exportTo(bob, outputFilePath); // start generat based on the template
Finally, the generated doc like below:
In MS Word template, only two kind of expressions are supported:
- Replace variable, like this: ${xxx}
- For loop expression, like: ${{for xxx of yyy}}
slash (\) character is the escape character. Escape character use like:
Assume you have below two line in MS Word template
This \${name} will not be replace
This ${name} will be replace
After replacement, it will be like below, the first line will treat ${name} as a normal text since the dollar character be escaped.
This ${name} will not be replace
This Bob will be replace
A variable in MS Word template is start with '${' and end with '}', inside the braces is the property name in the JAVA POJO object.
The syntax for replace variable is: ${referObjName.propertyName}
In regular express, the replace variable must match:
The referObjName is optional, if referObjName is not present, it means the root object's property.
The object instance that passed to MSWordExporter.exportTo(pojoObj, outputFilePath)
is the root object. Underscore character is a reserved key word that refer to the root object. That's means ${name} and ${} are exactly the same.
Obviously, the dot character shouldn't be there is referObjName is not given.
When use replace variable inside for-loop expression, if no referObjName given, the for-loop expression may change the behavior of replace variable value lookup. Refer 'for loop expression' later in this doc for more details.
When a replace variable be found in template, like ${name}, it will try to find public and no arguments method which name is getName()
from the root object.
If getName()
methoed is not found, the program will try to find isName()
method (still public and no arguments) from the root object.
If none of the method be found, it will throw exception and stop the document generation.
If any of the method be found, it will invoke the method on the given root object to get the return value. Return value null
will be treat as empty string, for any non-null object, Objects.toString(obj)
will be used to get a string and replace the replace variable in the template.
For loop expression is used to loop through an java Iterable. A for-loop-expression must be a pair of start and end expression.
The syntax for for-loop-start-expression is like (double brances compare to replace variable): ${{for newRefObjName of referObjName.propertyName}}
The syntax for for-loop-end-expression is hardcoded to: ${{end}}
In regular express, the for-loop-start-expression must match:
for-loop-start-expression and for-loop-end-expression must be it own paragraph (a new line) in the MS Word template. The paragraph which contain for-loop-start-expression or for-loop-end-expression will be delete when do document generation.
for-loop expression does not support in document header and footer.
Dependent on the items count of the returned Iterable object, the content between for-loop-start-expression and for-loop-end-expression will be repeated.
for-loop-start-expression and for-loop-end-expression are ok to use in table. When use for-loop expression in table, The entire row that contain for-loop-start-expression and for-loop-end-expression will be delete, only the row between start and end will be repeated.
The for-loop-start-expression define a new object refer name which can be used inside this loop.
${{for car of}}
The car model is: ${car.model}, here it safe
After the for-loop expression, ${car.model} is invalid. This line will cause a runtime exception with error like 'no object defined with given name: car'
Nesting for-loop is supported. You can do like this:
${{for car of}}
The car model is: ${car.model}
Below is the parts of this car:
${{for part of}}
PartId: ${}
PartName: ${}
Part Composition:
${{for composition of part.compositions}}
${composition}, here will invoke Objects.toString() on composition object
Here the root object property can be access use underscore as refer object name, like ${} means the name property of root object
Of course upper level refer object name still valid here, like you can use ${car.price} here where 'car' is defined in the most outter
level for-loop
New defined objet refer name have higher priority when do replace variable replacement. Example like below:
Assume root object has getName() public method, we can use ${name} here.
It will invoke getName() on the root object and use the return value to replace the variable.
${{for name of _.childNames}}
Varaible ${name} here is differnt. It actually use the Objects.toString() on the new defined name object.
It first invoke getChildNames() on root object, then go through all items in the returned Iterable instance. For each item it invoke the Objects.toString() to get a string value and replace ${name}
To access root object name here, must include root refer name underscore in the variable: ${}, this will invoke getName() on root object.
The limitation mainly on Word rich content. Unknow result if the template Word contain picture/graph/chart/attachment/embeded-objects. Such case never tested.