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Esper Processor Supported Annotations

rmuthupandian edited this page Feb 11, 2015 · 1 revision

The @ClusterAffinityTag annotation is used to pick the value of the ip address field in the event and pass a hint to the messaging layer to use this value as a affinity(sharding) key.

@ClusterAffinityTag(dimension=@CreateDimension(name="d",dimensionspan="<field1>, <field2>"))

The @ClusterAffinityTag annotation is used to pick the dimension named d as a hint to the messaging layer to use this value as a affinity(sharding) key. The dimension is created on the fly from the event fields named field1 and field2.

@PublishOn(topics="Rtbdpod.RTD/rtdEvent,Rtbdpod.RTD/blockedEvent") -  multiple topics

The @PublishOn annotation is used to pass a hint to the OutboundChannel to publish the event on topic "Rtbdpod.RTD/rtdEvent". The events scheduled out of the OutboundChannel stage are scheduled to the next stage using a consistent hashing scheduler.

@OutputTo("OutboundMessageChannel") select * from RTD;

The @OutputTo annotation is used to signal to the framework to dispatch to a stage named "OutboundMessageChannel" directly connected to Esper Processor. Note: Make sure stage/sink mentioned in @OutputTo is given as a sink to EsperProcessor in the xml configuration.

@SendMail(mailServer="<SMTP_mailserver>",alertList="<mailaddress>",sendFrom="<mailaddress>",eventFields="field1, field2", mailSubject="Subject on Email" mailContents="Email Contents")
Select field1, field2 from TestStream where field1 > 1000 ;

The @SendMail annotation can be used to send a mail from EsperPocessor when particular EPL condition gets satisfied.