Note that this version has extensive breaking changes. Please reference the schema changes below before upgrading.
See the upstream migration guide for more detail.
Does the PR have any schema changes?
Found 133 breaking changes:
"snowflake:index/accountGrant:AccountGrant" missing- "snowflake:index/database:Database":
- inputs:
"fromDatabase" missing🟡
"fromReplica" missing🟡
"fromShare" missing🟡
"replicationConfiguration" missing
- properties:
"fromDatabase" missing output "fromDatabase"🟡
"fromReplica" missing output "fromReplica"🟡
"fromShare" missing output "fromShare"🟡
"replicationConfiguration" missing output "replicationConfiguration"
- inputs:
"snowflake:index/databaseGrant:DatabaseGrant" missing- "snowflake:index/externalOauthIntegration:ExternalOauthIntegration":
- inputs:
"allowedRoles" missing🟡
"anyRoleMode" missing🟡
"audienceUrls" missing🟡
"blockedRoles" missing🟡
"issuer" missing🟡
"jwsKeysUrls" missing🟡
"rsaPublicKey" missing🟡
"rsaPublicKey2" missing🟡
"scopeDelimiter" missing🟡
"scopeMappingAttribute" missing🟡
"snowflakeUserMappingAttribute" missing🟡
"tokenUserMappingClaims" missing🟡
"type" missing
- properties:
"allowedRoles" missing output "allowedRoles"🟡
"anyRoleMode" missing output "anyRoleMode"🟡
"audienceUrls" missing output "audienceUrls"🟡
"blockedRoles" missing output "blockedRoles"🟡
"createdOn" missing output "createdOn"🟡
"issuer" missing output "issuer"🟡
"jwsKeysUrls" missing output "jwsKeysUrls"🟡
"rsaPublicKey" missing output "rsaPublicKey"🟡
"rsaPublicKey2" missing output "rsaPublicKey2"🟡
"scopeDelimiter" missing output "scopeDelimiter"🟡
"scopeMappingAttribute" missing output "scopeMappingAttribute"🟡
"snowflakeUserMappingAttribute" missing output "snowflakeUserMappingAttribute"🟡
"tokenUserMappingClaims" missing output "tokenUserMappingClaims"🟡
"type" missing output "type"
- required inputs:
"externalOauthIssuer" input has changed to Required🟢
"externalOauthSnowflakeUserMappingAttribute" input has changed to Required🟢
"externalOauthTokenUserMappingClaims" input has changed to Required🟢
"externalOauthType" input has changed to Required
- inputs:
"snowflake:index/externalTableGrant:ExternalTableGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/failoverGroupGrant:FailoverGroupGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/fileFormatGrant:FileFormatGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/functionGrant:FunctionGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/grantPrivilegesToRole:GrantPrivilegesToRole" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/integrationGrant:IntegrationGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/maskingPolicyGrant:MaskingPolicyGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/materializedViewGrant:MaterializedViewGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/pipeGrant:PipeGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/procedureGrant:ProcedureGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/resourceMonitorGrant:ResourceMonitorGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/roleGrants:RoleGrants" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/roleOwnershipGrant:RoleOwnershipGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/rowAccessPolicyGrant:RowAccessPolicyGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/schemaGrant:SchemaGrant" missing- "snowflake:index/scimIntegration:ScimIntegration":
inputs: "provisionerRole" missing- properties:
"createdOn" missing output "createdOn"🟡
"provisionerRole" missing output "provisionerRole"
- required inputs:
"enabled" input has changed to Required🟢
"runAsRole" input has changed to Required
"snowflake:index/sequenceGrant:SequenceGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/stageGrant:StageGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/streamGrant:StreamGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/tableGrant:TableGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/tagGrant:TagGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/taskGrant:TaskGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/userGrant:UserGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/userOwnershipGrant:UserOwnershipGrant" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/viewGrant:ViewGrant" missing- "snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse":
- inputs:
"autoResume" type changed from "boolean" to "string"🟡
"enableQueryAcceleration" type changed from "boolean" to "string"🟡
"waitForProvisioning" missing
- properties:
"autoResume" type changed from "boolean" to "string"🟡
"enableQueryAcceleration" type changed from "boolean" to "string"🟡
"waitForProvisioning" missing output "waitForProvisioning"
- required:
"autoResume" property is no longer Required🟢
"autoSuspend" property is no longer Required🟢
"maxClusterCount" property is no longer Required🟢
"minClusterCount" property is no longer Required🟢
"resourceMonitor" property is no longer Required🟢
"scalingPolicy" property is no longer Required🟢
"warehouseSize" property is no longer Required
- inputs:
"snowflake:index/warehouseGrant:WarehouseGrant" missing
- "snowflake:index/getDatabases:getDatabases": inputs:
"history" missing input "history"🟡
"pattern" missing input "pattern"🟡
"terse" missing input "terse"
"snowflake:index/getWarehouses:getWarehouses" signature change (pulumi.InvokeOptions)->T => (Args, pulumi.InvokeOptions)->T
"snowflake:index/DatabaseReplicationConfiguration:DatabaseReplicationConfiguration" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/GrantPrivilegesToRoleOnAccountObject:GrantPrivilegesToRoleOnAccountObject" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/GrantPrivilegesToRoleOnSchema:GrantPrivilegesToRoleOnSchema" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/GrantPrivilegesToRoleOnSchemaObject:GrantPrivilegesToRoleOnSchemaObject" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/GrantPrivilegesToRoleOnSchemaObjectAll:GrantPrivilegesToRoleOnSchemaObjectAll" missing🔴
"snowflake:index/GrantPrivilegesToRoleOnSchemaObjectFuture:GrantPrivilegesToRoleOnSchemaObjectFuture" missing- "snowflake:index/getDatabasesDatabase:getDatabasesDatabase":
- properties:
"comment" missing🟡
"createdOn" missing🟡
"isCurrent" missing🟡
"isDefault" missing🟡
"name" missing🟡
"options" missing🟡
"origin" missing🟡
"owner" missing🟡
"replicationConfigurations" missing🟡
"retentionTime" missing
- required:
"comment" property is no longer Required🟢
"createdOn" property is no longer Required🟢
"describeOutputs" property has changed to Required🟢
"isCurrent" property is no longer Required🟢
"isDefault" property is no longer Required🟢
"name" property is no longer Required🟢
"options" property is no longer Required🟢
"origin" property is no longer Required🟢
"owner" property is no longer Required🟢
"parameters" property has changed to Required🟢
"replicationConfigurations" property is no longer Required🟢
"retentionTime" property is no longer Required🟢
"showOutputs" property has changed to Required
- properties:
"snowflake:index/getDatabasesDatabaseReplicationConfiguration:getDatabasesDatabaseReplicationConfiguration" missing- "snowflake:index/getWarehousesWarehouse:getWarehousesWarehouse":
- properties:
"comment" missing🟡
"name" missing🟡
"scalingPolicy" missing🟡
"size" missing🟡
"state" missing🟡
"type" missing
- required:
"comment" property is no longer Required🟢
"describeOutputs" property has changed to Required🟢
"name" property is no longer Required🟢
"parameters" property has changed to Required🟢
"scalingPolicy" property is no longer Required🟢
"showOutputs" property has changed to Required🟢
"size" property is no longer Required🟢
"state" property is no longer Required🟢
"type" property is no longer Required
- properties:
New resources:
New functions:
What's Changed
- Add tests for snowflake by @VenelinMartinov in #561
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #629
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #634
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #635
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #637
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #641
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #642
- Combined dependencies PR by @pulumi-bot in #643
- Bump the go_modules group across 2 directories with 1 update by @dependabot in #633
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #644
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #646
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.85.0 by @pulumi-bot in #648
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #650
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #652
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #653
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #654
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #655
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.86.0 by @pulumi-bot in #658
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #659
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #660
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #661
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #662
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #665
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #666
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #667
- Update GitHub Actions workflows. by @pulumi-bot in #669
- Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.87.0 by @pulumi-bot in #670
- Upgrade terraform-provider-snowflake to v0.93.0 by @pulumi-bot in #671
Full Changelog: v0.55.0...v0.56.0