Emotion support for react-basic!
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
myUnstyledDiv :: JSX
myUnstyledDiv = React.element R.div'
{ children: [ R.text "I have no style :(" ]
myStyledDiv :: JSX
myStyledDiv = E.element R.div'
{ className: "stylish-div"
, css: E.css
{ color: E.str "rebeccapurple"
, padding: E.px 4
Note that you need to use the apostrophised variants of react components from React.Basic.DOM
since these represent the raw ReactComponent
s that Emotion
expects to work with.
Emotion allows you to define real CSS rules rather than only inline styles. Here's an example of something you can't do with inline styles:
myStyle :: Style
myStyle = E.css
{ "&:hover": E.nested (E.css { background: E.str "#fed" })