Attach listeners to keypress combinations like CTRL-1. Lightweight and well documented.
// Keycode for CTRL is 17, keycode for 1 is 49
emitter.addListener(17, 49, function() {
console.log("Pressed CTRL-1");
See the demo at
Please ★ on GitHub!
npm install keypress-combination
Try it on JSFiddle
var KeypressCombinationEmitter = require("keypress-combination");
var emitter = new KeypressCombinationEmitter();
// CTRL Keycode: 17
// 1 Keycode: 49
var subscription = emitter.addListener(17, 49, function() {
console.log("Pressed CTRL-1");
// Remove the callback when no longer needed.
Emitter responsible for coordinating combination keypress events.
Creates a new emitter.
- Parameters:
- No parameters.
Add an event listener
- Return Type: <Subscription>
- Parameters:
- Character keycode. See the keycodes section for more information.- Required
- Type:
- Example:
- Callback function.- Required
- Type:
- Example:
function() { console.log("Press") }
- Return Type: No return value
- Parameters:
- No parameters.
Note that keycodes are not fully standardized across browsers.
Key | Code |
Backspace | 8 |
Tab | 9 |
Enter | 13 |
Shift | 16 |
Ctrl | 17 |
Alt | 18 |
Pause/Break | 19 |
Caps Lock | 20 |
Escape | 27 |
(space) | 32 |
Page Up | 33 |
Page Down | 34 |
End | 35 |
Home | 36 |
Left Arrow | 37 |
Up Arrow | 38 |
Right Arrow | 39 |
Down Arrow | 40 |
Insert | 45 |
Delete | 46 |
0 | 48 |
1 | 49 |
2 | 50 |
3 | 51 |
4 | 52 |
5 | 53 |
6 | 54 |
7 | 55 |
8 | 56 |
9 | 57 |
A | 65 |
B | 66 |
C | 67 |
D | 68 |
E | 69 |
F | 70 |
G | 71 |
H | 72 |
I | 73 |
J | 74 |
K | 75 |
L | 76 |
M | 77 |
N | 78 |
O | 79 |
P | 80 |
Q | 81 |
R | 82 |
S | 83 |
T | 84 |
U | 85 |
V | 86 |
W | 87 |
X | 88 |
Y | 89 |
Z | 90 |
Left Window Key | 91 |
Right Window Key | 92 |
Select Key | 93 |
Numpad 0 | 96 |
Numpad 1 | 97 |
Numpad 2 | 98 |
Numpad 3 | 99 |
Numpad 4 | 100 |
Numpad 5 | 101 |
Numpad 6 | 102 |
Numpad 7 | 103 |
Numpad 8 | 104 |
Numpad 9 | 105 |
Multiply | 106 |
Add | 107 |
Subtract | 109 |
Decimal Point | 110 |
Divide | 111 |
F1 | 112 |
F2 | 113 |
F3 | 114 |
F4 | 115 |
F5 | 116 |
F6 | 117 |
F7 | 118 |
F8 | 119 |
F9 | 120 |
F10 | 121 |
F11 | 122 |
F12 | 123 |
Num Lock | 144 |
Scroll Lock | 145 |
Semi-Colon | 186 |
Equal Sign | 187 |
Comma | 188 |
Dash | 189 |
Period | 190 |
Forward Slash | 191 |
Grave Accent | 192 |
Open Bracket | 219 |
Back Slash | 220 |
Close Braket | 221 |
Single Quote | 222 |
Karma tests are performed on Browserstack in the following browsers:
- IE 9, Windows 7
- IE 10, Windows 7
- IE 11, Windows 7
- Opera (latest version), Windows 7
- Firefox (latest version), Windows 7
- Chrome (latest version), Windows 7
- Safari (latest version), OSX Yosemite
- Mobile Safari (latest version), iPhone 6, iOS 8.3
Please let us know if a different configuration should be included here.
npm test
On Browserstack: