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This can be done in two ways with the help of the plugin code of this repo. One of the ways is to parallelizing features and other being parallelizing scenarios. The task, which can be used for this purpose is,


This task is responsible for preparing necessary infrastructure which will be used by gradle's test task to parallelize the execution.


The consumer should have a test task which should depend on the task, junitTestRunner which is available in the plugin and which is of type, CucumberJUnitTestRunner or have a task of type CucumberJUnitTestRunner in your gradle, which should in turn be a dependent task of the test task.


input for this task is given through an extension closure which will be an input for the other task in the plugin of type, CucumberTask or the task, cucumberTask. Properties of cucumberExtensions closure are as follows.

stepDefinitionsPath 'com.example.stepdefs'
featuresPath 'src/test/resources/com/example'
tags '@WIP'
parallelize ParallelizeOptions.PARALLELIZE_OPTIONS.SCENARIOS
browser 'chrome'
In order to use this plugin, make sure you have the following in your build.gradle
apply plugin: 'supercucumber'

import com.cucumbergoodies.selenium.plugin.ParallelizeOptions
import com.cucumbergoodies.selenium.plugin.tasks.CucumberJUnitTestRunner

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.cucumbergoodies.seleium:cucumber-extensions:1.0'

task supercucumber(type: CucumberJUnitTestRunner) {
	cucumberExtensions {
		stepDefinitionsPath 'com.example.stepdefs'
		featuresPath 'src/test/resources/com/example'
		tags tagsProp
		parallelize ParallelizeOptions.PARALLELIZE_OPTIONS.SCENARIOS
		browser 'chrome'

test.dependsOn supercucumber
test.followedBy mergeReports

test {
    maxParallelForks = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf('maxParallelForks')))
    forkEvery = 1

The task, mergeReports combines all the json files generated by the cucumber runtime. This also combines all the junit xmls generated during the execution. Hence this should be last action after all the tests are run. One of stages where you could call this as a finalizer of test task. If you have any utility that generates a report out of these json files, you should call, mergeReports before calling that task.