Wysiwyg Editors is Form Widget plugin that can be used in Backend for editing content.
####List of Wysiwyg editors included in Plugin
- TinyMCE
- CkEditor
- October`s Rich editor
- Froala
- Automatic Injection to CMS Pages, Layout, Partials and Content.
- Automatic Injection to Blog, Static Pages, ProBlog and ProEvents plugin.
- One can configure Editors as per their requirement from settings.
- elFinder integrated with CKEditor and TinyMCE for easy file browsing and uploading.
- Froala Editor with image upload (on own server) and delete functionality.
####Usage The plugin can be use as content editor in CMS, Blogs, Pages, etc.
- Add more Editors on request.
- Add Responsive Filemanager.
####Like this plugin? If you like this plugin, give this plugin a Like or Make donation with PayPal.
####Credits Wysiwyg editors by
- TinyMCE
- CkEditor
- Froala (It is free only for non-commercial use, you hove to purchase a license for commercial use.)
- elFinder & barryvdh
###Documentation ###Installation To install this plugin you have to click on add to project or need to type AnandPatel.WysiwygEditors in Backend System > Updates > Install Plugin
####Configuration To configure this Plugin goto Backend System then find My Settings in left side bar, then click on Wysiwyg Editors, you will get Configuration options (refer screenshots).
- How to install this plugin?
Please refer Installation and configuration section.
- Who can use this plugin?
Any one can use this plugin for Editing content.
- Can we use this plugin in front end?
No, this plugin is for backend only because we can`t use Form Widgets in Frontend.
- Where images / files are uploaded?
You can find uploaded images / files in storage/app direcotry.