A flexible offcanvas / hamburger menu, typically used for mobile sized screens.
At the core, the idea is to have 2 elements in the root of the HTML <body>
<offCanvas />
- anything that should appear in the off canvas (eg. mobile) menu<onCanvas />
- the webpage / everything else
When the user taps a button, <onCanvas />
slides off the screen and <offCanvas />
slides into view.
There are, of course other jQuery plugins that do a similar thing. Although sometimes we needed more than an off canvas menu. We wanted to add social icons, perhaps a logo to a certain spot, a copyright piece etc. Having a simple <div />
wrapper that we can put anything in, made it so much simpler than just a menu plugin.
<script src="path/to/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="path/to/jquery.offcanvas.menu.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="path/to/jquery.offcanvas.menu.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
Wrap the body of your website (everything other than the off canvas menu) in a <div class="onCanvas" />
Create an 'off canvas' element (eg. the mobile menu) by using a <div class="offCanvas" data-menu="offcanv_menu"/>
where the id is unique to this menu.
You can also add an unordered list (<ol />
) with the menu items to create the menu with sub-menus used in the example above - <div class="offCanvas_menu"/>
Create the hamburger menu trigger by a simple <a/>
tag with a unique ID that matches the off-canvas data-menu attribute - eg. <a id="offcanv_menu"></a>
$(document).ready(function() {
// position: 'right' // Which side should the menu slide from? Either 'left' or 'right'