This temporary GitHub repository is the first stone of a framework for conducting in an easier way the PreBal test on Ecopath models (Link 2010). As the recently developed Rpath package (Lucey et al., 2020) opens new perspectives for reproducibility of mass-balance food-web models, and robust of sensitivity analysis of the latter, we aim here to design functions that are transferable to Rpath objects.
This is an undergoing project. So far, it allows modelers to conduct PreBal on an Ecopath model built with the EwE user interface. We are currently working on the transferability to Rpath objects.
The function run_pRebal
(available in function_run_pRebal.R
, in the R folder) allows to run the regression and plot the graphs that are part of a classic PreBal diagnostic.
The .Rmd
and associated .html
give guidelines on how to use R to import information from the EwE user interface and use run_pRebal
to conduct a PreBal analysis. We illustrate this process using a example of the Celtic Sea Ecopath model taken from Hernvann et al., 2020 (version anterior to the one published).